I want anyone that proselytizes or evangelizes to every now
and then have some courage to go at it with those in the novus ordo church or those who
take up space in adoration chapels that you see living a worldly lifestyle or
that are crummy people and lousy catholics like certain novus ordos.
I must reiterate have nothing to do with
the world and worldly people. Have nothing to do with those who refuse to turn
from it, but live and will die in it as most have chosen to do. There are no
saints and holy people in the novus ordo. Don't be fooled by their names, faces,
outward appearances or dress either. Many like liberal things in the novus ordo church
service because they have no concept of their faith. They like the
guitar services in new age Vatican II churches and all that other nonsense. There are
no guitars in heaven people so if I were you start getting into the reality of it
all and know that there are angels and saints that are holy that sing. They don't
like guitars and drums or lousy singing.
Many of these peoples priorities is investing in stocks and funds in which
they sell out God for gains and legally deceive
people who are mislead into believing this is what God wants. I say this
to let you know if you serve yourself you have put yourself before God and His will. Many love themselves, friends and family more than Jesus Christ because they don't love God. In the novus ordo one cannot truly worship Christ. The novus ordo is not the Church so their religion is a false religion inspired by the devil. They are catholic by name only that says happy holidays like the rest of secular America. Have nothing to do with these things. Stop telling your children these lies and misrepresentations of any holiday that is about the Lord. I stress this for Thanksgiving to be ever thankful to Him and not think of parades and turkey with cranberry sauce and stuffing. Teach them the right way from the beginning so they will be of God and not of the world which is of Satan. It's not the will of Jesus Christ for you to hang up things that the pagans and heathens do. Such as Ms. Fake who is a heathen, pagan, deceiver and liar even though she's "catholic" that goes to church once a week and spends an hour or maybe even two taking up room in adoration chapels for her perishable and worldly prayers. Some actually repent of their sins but then they go right back to it once they leave the chapels. St. Isaac Jogues parish, St. Anastasia, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Norbert, St. Monica and the other places have these fraudulent catholics in them. I have to give something that is credible to identify these sad truths in exposing these people. Many of these women are murderers from abortion and birth control methods. That is the intent to have abortion and succeeded. One worldly mid-aged femalse has murdered three times from the various ways you can get rid of an unborn child legally and they think they are catholic. Do you think she really cares about what she has done? Observe some of these people and other souls of those that you see - not just spiritual things but facades that are in their gestures. What they wear is not how to determine the heart and soul, but when you pray and you seek guidance from Him - time will reveal truths. Don't be fooled by blue or glimmering eyes either, shiny hair, soft smiles, serene voices, dazzling teeth or other physical appearances. Satan even can turn himself into a nice shiny apple just like many novus ordo. Some people fix themselves up or shower. Some use a face lift that alters their true self which is deep inside. Don't be fooled by them or anyone's smiles or what appears to be a glow. In cases of the fraud they use something on their skin or if it's summertime the tan or sun sets off a shine. Cosmetics also are used by some of these to cover up real hair and facials. I tell you don't do this like these people. When you have seen the outer surface you can not discern. Let someone know you saw their inner self and take a look at their heart and you will upset them. I tell you that is needed to do as was the case with some. Sometimes you find out who is for Jesus immediately. Sometimes it could take a month or so. The One who sees instructs His children while the self server clings onto daily gains. Be prepared to lose friendships and many things, relationships, family members, jobs, or whatever else. Would you lie down with a serpent like them who will hide the things he or she is and will do in the future? Like a rattlesnake some will attack if you come across their path. You don't think worldly females or male dogs are giving up their job or lifestyle for a baby or a family that is the fulfillment of the will and law of God do you? They will kill intentionally an unborn baby if any one of you men helps get them pregnant. Ask if she has ever used birth control. Twenty million females using death pills are 20 million too many. Women in high numbers will resort to it again with full knowledge that it will kill so many like these witches can not claim ignorance to God. It is our responsibility to correct people who want to hide from the true meaning of life and want to continue in sin. Tell other people they are evil and sinners that will be punished? If they are like those who pretend to be holy - we can go to spiritual lengths and expel them with a heavenly force not of men and women. Ignorance does not void the sin or crime of anyone. Does it still not condemn a soul unto death? I'm sure the wise will see people like these wicked females are not all that once they get to know them some. Wise people won't invest with these dogs. Knowledge of these people and organizations that fund death or immorality is a grave sin to deal with them. Don't get caught up in peoples lives and issues. They are a whirlpool and will take you down if you become part of their self revolving lives. Get prepared to battle it out with the worldly who are like the millions who take up sitting, standing and kneeling room in what used to be holy places and forget what they heard even if they were paying attention. Always be discerning, but when you do what we do in the church reform and pro-life movement stress the message of truth that conforms to the moral and natural law you must use yourself as an example of your sinfulness and weaknesses as well. You may admonish, warn and even compel the worldly person from the places of holiness or what seems to look holy by spiritual force. Expel them as Paul says in Corinthians. I rely on this to further support what I say and do. There are many churches and chapels to take up space and be a phony in the archdiocese of Philadelphia. In 1 Cor. 5:11 it states you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral... I have understood that to mean that if one claims to be in fellowship as a believer, but is unrepentant, we are not to associate with them. I would tell anyone in the region not to associate with people like Mary Unholy. You worldly man and woman who the hell did you think you were that you were doing Jesus a favor for the little time with your crummy attitude to say you are a good "catholic"? You're a dime a dozen. Dime a dozen novus ordo are like perishables with a shelf life before they are discounted and if not used - discarded. I assure you they will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Nice soft faithful church members when will you understand God's full ways and not that of short sightedness towards the pigs in the novus ordo which are many? I am sick of people like Mary, Mark, Matt, Melanie and the many that don't really know or love the Lord. So is Jesus and our heavenly mother Mary. It is nothing new for the true Christian, for the early believers did what I have done based on scripture and the early church and for the last 2,000 years. This is even in the Old Law between God and His people who are not just the Jews but all men and women. Should God or His chosen make exceptions? I tell you no. There are enough scriptural verses to back us up and by the law of God I do these things and not of people like many novus ordo for not coming back to this chapel or this church. I don't care where they go or their hypocrite friends and associates. Take it out of the churches and don't come back, be a novus ordo protestant and be contemporary all you want pagan woman. It's heresy and sacrilege what they and many novus ordo do on weekends standing in line receiving bread and wine in mortal sin. Does receiving the symbol of Jesus Christ save anyone from hell, going to church once a week or daily save a person from hell or spending time in adoration chapels save us from hell? It does not. Continue prayers sincere and contrite and daily. You can follow all the postures, do certain things day in and out and still end up in hell. Most if not all novus ordo are in hell just like Mary and Matt will be. Do I know where they are going after they die? If they die in any deadly sin, they will be in hell forever as I have described for any of us. If they do not die in grave sin they will be spending three hundred and ninety eight years or more in the purging flames until they enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Mary from your local novus ordo is no saint or even holy. There is no bottled water in hell to cool off after running or jogging the Broad Street Run. I have no idea where anyone is going to be after they die. What I do know is if you die in one mortal, deadly, grave, grievous sin you will burn forever though. I cite this for the saved and unsaved. I have to familiarize descriptions when I make a comparison of people and things. I use certain people based on knowledge, wisdom and observations and while I may not know many things I know enough to say the things I show in all pages of my websites. I say don't honor her or women and people like her. You are to honor God, then our blessed mother Mary, then the angels and saints ahead of you who did the will of God. Honor those who have gone on in friendship with the Lord and honor your parents. You are not to honor anyone just because they are someone in the novus ordo or traditional church but only those who do the will of God. Now if your parents don't do the will of the Father dishonor them for that but as blind parents that helped bring you into the world honor them but not what people fail to do or do that is not in line with His ways. Stop honoring women I tell you for that is what the pro-aborts and worldly do. God does not honor such but has stripped them of all if they are not in service to Him. These children I show you never will get to play with toys or have pets because of the (I no longer use nice words for these women either) pigs that were too selfish and were not going to make arrangements for pregnancy leave from their investment brokerage positions or their banking or corporate careers at Fidelity, Wachovia, Philadelphia Trust, Rittenhouse Financial Services Inc., Merrill Lynch or anywhere else. Your enemies like the proud Marys and Susan Smiths will use the world to do evil against you for using the Gospel or the words of life against them. I never apologize for telling the truth. God does not pay me to be a liar like these dogs or to hide the truth like these fake catholics. Jesus doesn't need the Mary Fakers, Don or James O'Connell who are not faithful to Him. The masons and worldly religions are looking for people to join so Mary can serve herself and her other gods there and not in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Lord is pleased with humility. In her mind and world it's non-existing. There is not one thing she can hide from God when He says to her when she dies a couple years from now from a failed abortion or starts using the patch or pill and develops internal bleeding or other torments come upon her for her wicked sins. The patch alone will destroy many women one way or another. I have to tell you there are people like this you must treat as such. I'm fair, get out of the chapels and church brother. That may be Matt, Nick, Barbara or anyone else. Did your girlfriend do this behind your back? Would you like to trade places with Mary Walker Runner? It is best you be like a homeless dog in the winter time than to be her and for you to die of starvation and cold. Do you think she cares about starving children in India or the kind of flower pot she will use come spring for the poison plant she will buy and put on a table top? Like many worldly women and others she isn't worth the space she takes up. In the field of ambition she professes how to invest your savings so you can leave them to someone else after you die a couple years from now. Dispose of her like you would a tissue you just used. If you have any sense you won't get caught up with this kind of woman. Portrait of a killer. Ask God, He knows how many times she killed or will kill. She doesn't want anyone to know what she really looks like underneath the skin or hair. Black images out of a wicked women witch to be more of a match to what her soul will look like if she does what she wants in the year ahead and if she lives so long. You don't have to see the physical breakdown of her behind all the makeup they use. I am telling you look at their hearts and you will see what they really are. Like the devil that flees, people like them will flee or avoid those who put them in their place. I have witnessed and testified to what is of God to those who are not of God. Glad are those who listen for a reward awaits those who seek what the Lord wants. This is so since most are not able to understand the ways of God, so you must not elevate yourself. If they don't get it then move on. I can say what I am for I had to not only pray about but see for myself before I could do what I did or say what I had a right to say. I question any one that is not willing to take up their crosses daily or if they are not willing to lose their lives. Sadly for the sakes of many souls or the pro-life success or failure as millions of babies will be put to death this year. Mary is one of many who will never bear fruit and is not the servant of the Lord. The tree which she is will be cut down and thrown into the fire. But I know many people say "Divine Mercy", she and we have that to fall back on. This is that deadly erroneous sin of presumption. Many will say Lord Lord and shall not enter into the Kingdom. Many who are wicked but repent will eventually enter in to His rest. Divine Mercy does not void the written Word of God and the teachings of the Holy Church that are in accordance to the law of God and His infinite will. Love and mercy can enhance the Word but cannot alter it. No catholic or any leader of the church including the true popes can alter the Word Of God. Vatican II and the novus ordo services we have cannot change the way of Jesus or doctrine, the scriptures or any truths. They are off living according to the ways of the world. Most of them know not Scriptures either. Even some of the more learned I know of are not in understanding of the Lord's ways and all that has been revealed. Do you want a spouse or girlfriend that will do this to your flesh and blood? If you do are you sure that you will go to heaven? Have some self control pal and listen to the wise "fools". Do not test the Lord thy God for many will be cut down like the fraudulent unholy catholic. She is exposed as a fraud. Did not John and our Lord observe? So I tell you to observe others. The Lord has allowed His servants to know certain things or to do certain things. You can find Mary Fake Novus Ordo middle aged so called catholic in the Who's Who. Has anyone thought of unborn babies enough what they look like when they are murdered by birth control pills or other contraception? I assure everyone it does not matter how small they were or if they felt pain. The fact is if anyone used birth control to prevent pregnancy they are dogs - See: Is pig a fair word to use as often as I use it? God says it is fair as un-nice as it may sound. It's in the dictionary and is a proper word. Even on children's shows they show pictures and they learn to read with words like pig. Mary is one of many who could not stand the fact she is one of the women that resorts to this. She's a dog who returns to her vomit daily. Perhaps the pill will help her on judgment day when she becomes active again. She's a pig. But I will give her this credit. Mary your no where near as bad as the abortionists and the pro-abort lobby. Here is where you can invest your last pennies with some of the companies at the Mellon Bank Center at 1735 Market Street in the financial district. Many investors eventually will be broke in years ahead when the market declines and the bears triumph in their fears when the bulls are on the plates of families on Saturday night for dinner. I state things in a way to make it a point to say to anyone who chooses to live of the world will be part of its demise such as Mary Runner. I must use these examples as a curse to those who will live for world and self like Trust Mary. Trust in Filthadelphia or the Commonwealth and her! Don't! I say trust in God alone. Now does someone want to invest with Ms. Runner? I'm telling you not too. God does not want you too either to do business with her. Do you want her emails and phone number, so I can privately tell you? I assure you we have a paper trail in more places you can imagine so why should that shock you? Everywhere we go and what we do we are being watched and you can find out anything you want about anybody if you have the money or talent to work with. Were the prophets soft? Neither am I and I will warn you just as hard as I have done with the blind people like Mary who love to live in ignorance. Her ignorance will land her in hell. Until she changes if she ever does, put your money in a safer place at least you will have some kind of return annually or in years to come. Your money is God's, your life is His, everything and everyone is His. Wipe the dirt, mud and dust off your feet from such people and let them go on as they desire. I am telling you nobody even in ignorance of sinful acts or sins of omission will have an excuse when they are alone to be judged accordingly to their deeds or what they failed to do with the time they spent that was only lent them. It doesn't matter if they had many bad days or has issues. Would you excuse anyone that does this to their babies or doesn't care about these babies? Are you now going to justify her sins or your sins of any sort because you have issues? Are any of our issues or misfortunes a reason to sin or to tolerate any kind of sin? Most if not all people have the same problem. Are we excusing anyone that says they have a right to do and think as they do or not to do something because of their problems or they had a lousy day? Mary, your day is coming as your self serving gods will crack and collapse. One of your gods is a building with a pyramid. I see the skyline smoking now from this city of doom that you belong to. You cannot even find suitable compatibility. It is now that you cannot even go much further in this world because of your limitations. You are a hypocrite and a coward. Any man that makes the mistake of having relations with women like her will have a dead child if she conceives. Do you want to test her out and be an unborn baby in her womb? She is already a murderer in her mind and it will come to pass if she gets her way. This Mary is not even 1/100th of what our heavenly mother is. I will give her credit for being 1/3,000th of the Blessed Mother and I'm being generous. Are we wrong to say to a woman - that she is a murderer or will be one if she does not heed what we say? I'm not apologizing to any woman or anyone I have told this to. You are being commanded by the Lord not to say your sorry when you do these things I do for you have done right. Her other victims will be the unsuspecting men who will lie down with her but all these relationships will fail. Selfish women such as this have been warned. "The Lord doesn't even care about the things you listen to or do. You do not want to serve Him nor did you ever serve the Lord your God that you don't even know". But you are just many in the church that have thought they can buy their way into heaven by selfish acts of charity like the distance runs that give you something that people will not remember. Jesus will ask you, "did you run the race I wanted you to which was one of selfless sacrifice and to suffer for others"? He will show you what you failed to do which far outweighs what few crumbs you gave Him. Not from the heart but out of ignorant excuse will you say but I ran for research for cancer or other good causes. Jefferson Hospital and Citizens Bank sponsored these races. You woman have become an enemy of God if you don't do as He pleases. You have chosen enemies in your life and I am one against you. You complain to worldlings about the true facts that are brought against you. One does not need to be Daniel, Isias or Joseph who had visions to see the phoniness in you. That mind of yours and your heart has been made transparent to those of God. Perhaps meditating in yoga positions or other unusual practices you do and listening to Hell On Wheels or Hell In Your Running Gear is more your preferred idol and tension reliever. Perhaps something needs to knock that earphone set off your head so you will listen instead of going off into hell with your crappy music you like if that's what you call it. This day your life will be required of you. The Lord has an appointed time. You will not be able to say to Him that you didn't know. You knew all the time. You chose to run from the TRUTH. It's revealed to those who seek, so such shall be hidden from many. You run the races of selfishness, defiance, pride and personal achievements. You are afraid of the servants of Jesus. You hate the truth and you persecute those sent to you. Others will come to you to give you last warnings. I am telling you faithful out there, do not be disturbed for the worldly women and men who hate you or cannot deal being around you. The nice clergy and laity want people like me to be softer. I say no, God did not make us weak in teaching or preaching the truth. You will either listen or you will die in your sins. I have not singled anyone out, any woman that has an abortion again or continues in birth control knowing what it can do or will do is a pig. I call a woman that has had an abortion four or five times that. If you kill once and are not sorry you are a pig. There is no nice way to tell the truth and I'm not sorry for what I have been called to do. The novus ordo are false charity and false love. I am an equal opportunity servant who does not discriminate by race, age, color, culture, nationality, sex or anything else. See my teachings are even allowed by the United States government, state and federal constitutions. At least my teachings don't advocate murder of babies or aid the murder of babies. Your people of America do this. My nation is heaven not America. Even from the written word be it of the Bible, a letter of spiritual truths or even that to save one's soul and lives has been a stumbling block for the pretentious. They bring judgment upon themselves in their deadly sins. Is it spiritual harassment to tell someone bound for hell what they have done, what they do and what they will do? Is it pro-life harassment to say to someone you are this or will be punished if you do these things? Is it wrong to say they are going to hell if they serve not God and are dead to His precepts? I say to you that you have done the will of God in so doing. We are made to love, serve, obey Him all the time so that we may love, serve and to worship Him in heaven. You have little time so keep looking at your watch and say your busy and you have to go. Get out of the chapels now because your not needed nor wanted. The Lord does not hear the prayers of worldly and wicked people who only think of themselves. Those who reject the word of God knowing what they did such as you have already condemned themselves. If you are not for saving others you have no concept of love of the Lord. For everyone I say: If you listen not, you will go off to other churches and pray in places that you understand not. Sisters and brothers many who will go off to eternal fire - continue on as you please. There are many things I can tell of such but those things will be used against them on the day of their judgment. Does water baptism save them? I am here to say to you that if Mary Runner or Matt, John, Elizabeth baptized catholics die in mortal sin and did not serve the one living Creator you will be in flames. Not temporal flames either. Are you not thinking now when Jesus says, did you try to save souls? Did you try to save my children? Did you preach and teach the truth or tell others about Me? What did you do for Me for the time I gave you that I am taking away from you? No weekly novus ordo mess or prayer is doing you good for you have many idols and they are not the Lord. Can anyone of wisdom and Godliness listen to this? Idolater of lousy music and of self interests. Mary Runner was responsible for investing, analyzing and managing souls to hell for her firm's largest clients, including Masonic Creed, Ford Foundation, endowment, public and corporate plan relationships, whose assets totaled over $7 billion at the expense of taxpayers. Ms. Faker received her masters in Business and Bachelor of Soul Death at Villainova University. Impressive. I'm sure you'll try to trade your shares when your dead for your soul. You would sell others souls out for your self motivated goals. Runner, walker, racer to the wide road of destruction. You are exposed as a liar and a sneak in the sight of God. Surely you are these and many things with a mind that's very limited. Why do we who are less intelligent have more wisdom than these senseless people? It is the Lord who uses even the uneducated and those whom He loves that are blind or in wheelchairs. It is He alone who purifies and saves souls. For those who profess truth don't do people like her a dis-service by being nice. You must be harsh at times when all else does not sink in their dense, stubborn, thin skinny empty heads. You must give them the truth with all at stake. It's up to Jesus if He wants to have someone in holy places who pretend to love Him and others. It is by Him alone that the heart changes and He does not need anyone of us to get someone to wake up. Let them go! Don't bear any guilt if anyone leaves a church or loses their faith or does evil because you told the truth about them. They cannot even remarry truth for this separation is one of the coverups used. Has God not seen the inner most thoughts of all? Out of her feeble mind, her arrogant pride - she may fall to her death in her sleep. You cannot grasp this learned catholics because you want everyone to have the easy way out. There is no easy way out until your body is dead. It is not the way of the Lord for those to have it easy. Do any novus ordo want to hear what has been said, "Because you are neither hot or cold but lukewarm, I will spit you out"? That's what anyone will hear if they are like her. How many in America are in hell now then those who are falling into its depths are being heaped upon another? How many lukewarm are burning now and I tell you millions of lukewarm Marys, Paul Wellers, Shelly Evans, or whatever their names are will also be burning? You must not be sorry for those who reject Godly things and principles. Don't apologize to them, discern them, but no I never said condemn them for that is not our place to say we send them to hell. They make that choice. If the Lord brings upon Mary some punishment such as a premature death, she will burn with her headphones and hell music. There is no no talent Bruce Springstein in heaven sister I want you to know now. God can allow any of us to be killed anytime or die in some fashion we know nothing about. It is not a sin to call those who reject the will of God with a defiance - swine or pig. If you cling to your self or your false gods knowing what they are and hate or refuse what He offers you are the things I say you or Mary are. If you kill babies by contraception or abortion you are a pig. If you fornicate, adulterate, lie that causes others to suffer you are swine. If you lust for him or her you are a dog. So what if they go to church once a week or to a chapel or two for adoration for an hour or more such as two hours in a week. Even if its five or six hours. Start praying much more with sincerity so you will no longer be called these things. You will serve Him alone all the time, not yourselves. You will live right or else. I hear the opening bell, clang clang clang. The Lord has set a day for you. The closing bell. Clunk! Before this happens there will be the gong I spoke of for the wake up. You did not listen. The bell rings at the church five years from now, as they close the lid and drive off to the final place for you to be put into the dirt and I hope not for you mud since it can be a very stormy day. It is time to go off into eternity. Like a disease that spread through your breasts and what did you leave behind? Forty five is young but how many die of heart disease, cancer, accidents? How many of the children and unborn children are killed or die each year? So what makes you any different Ms.? I would invest in Jesus completely I say to all of you. I want you to invest in your burial plot, your burial stone, have your will ready. It is those who prepare for eternal life that have a life. Ms. Runner is having problems preparing for her retirement even with that 50K salary or whatever it is. Who are you that can stop your fate or your eternal salvation? Surely what I reveal can come to this city of sin and murder. Is Philadelphia, the region or anyone exempt from the law of GOD? Call 911 all you want, it won't do you any good when your bodies are lifeless. I surely tell you 911 won't save your soul. I will not let up on you because I have to wake you worldlings the "hell up" so that you don't go down like her or the towers in the financial district of Philly and the buildings of money lust across the street where you can see her on the 2nd floor. Does anyone prefer to listen to the crap these people call music like the Marys and Katies? God fearing and Godly women, I strongly urge you don't imitate Mary Runner. Imitate your holy mother Mary who does love you and not what you have in this world. If you love our mother Mary then will understand all that I say and do. The Runners, Tracks, Millers, Jacksons, Smiths cannot comprehend and their memories lapse for what the Scriptures tell them and what the church dictates. Test what is being said with fire and you will not be able to burn the words of life. Here is what will happen to your money Ms. Investor on the day of your passing. It will burn with you as rescuers drag your remains out of the blazing inferno with your credit cards. Burning to death in a fire is not even one 1 millionth of what the body and soul of the damned novus ordo catholics or anyone else will face. The damned will know others in hell. I do all I can to stay clear of them. Do you get it people? If you think what happened in India and Indonesia was bad we are waiting for the same thing to come to the land of freedom to kill. Dial 011, maybe 111, perhaps 211, but get it right. Dial GOD-Help. It's the last call you'll be able to make. Do you want the last digits of the number that means nothing after your gone? It's 6:30 P.M. Tuesday or was that Friday? Time's up. Your next of kin are being located to identify and claim your body. Mary thinks the Bible says "I was put in this world to love myself, attain my goals, go to church once a week, pray a little to make it look good, run, race, shop, eat, and drink Aquafina for her mid-age 41 + complexion". Friends she and many other catholics don't love unborn babies or you. The truth about these catholics is they are ignorant or murderers. A vast number of them are lip service catholics in the church and non-practicing catholics. When many fall away from truth like Merry Runner they become like these other false catholics of their own evil and have nobody to blame but themselves. I must warn anyone it is not your job you do or the money you earn either that is in the will of God. Most people have to work but that has nothing to do with His will nor is it prayer. Unless your job be it paid or volunteer or you get something out of it is something about religious service, spiritual teaching, pro-life, charity and other things that bear fruit, any work outside this has nothing to do with God. I also must tell anyone in the working world. It is not God's will that you put your careers or work ahead of Him or others. There is a difference between having to work for a living instead of working for the sake of having the good life. Our Lord did not condemn making money but condemns those who put their priorities in front of Him, the unborn, and other unfortunate people. If you have families sure take care of your children, but you may not neglect the other things.
For if you forget these other things you have sinned greatly. I see no
connection for those saying I am doing God's will or work when they make a
paycheck to live. God's work is saving lives and souls including your own.
Not how much you can make, what you have or can get in this world. It has
nothing to do with your eternal soul. Take care of your needs and children.
Don't build up for this world like most fools. The many things we know are
sin the world is for. I am going to use a scenario of Mary Runner and I hope
that this will not be a similar case with her or many. Jesus is capped letters,
Mary Walker Run To Hell in small case. TELL ME WHAT YOU LIED ABOUT, WHO YOU HATED, ALL YOU
FAILED TO DO AND DID NOT WANT TO DO. I am trying to get you to see something that can happen to anyone close to you or yourself. What are all of us doing so we don't have to be condemned for all eternity by our sins? First you better start knowing what sin is big and little as it may be and never be like the Mary Runners who I have made it quite clear is living in a world of sin. I hope the Lord allows us pro-life to start taking measures that will get some real results for the unborn babies. I am totally disgusted with the lack of support from novus ordos but then they are worse than many protestants to do what really must be done. Have no tolerance for worldly people at all and have a higher calling. Don't assume your saved. People that are warned that are not holy like Mary just can't stand it and they shriek like the sound of claws on a chalk board. I can hear her now when you say to her you have dirt and garbage on your soul. Perhaps it's when you call someone a cafeteria catholic or "nobody special" or when you say they are a dime a dozen. Novus ordo that go to church once a week are a dime a dozen such as Mary Walk To Hell. Male and female novus ordo catholic I say this to them equal in all ways. In 2:15-16, Timothy - reproof and correction are an inspiration from the Holy Ghost. Most novus ordo can't stand reproof or correction. They wait in line saying I will take this but that does not apply to me. Will outsiders have a better chance for eternal life since they are not saved by their religion? I don't know if any outside the Roman Catholic Church can be or will be saved but I use them to compare the majority of novus ordo and even false traditional catholics that won't ever get to heaven or many that will spend a long time in purgatory. We cannot live by "BREAD" and novus ordo grape juice or their cheap table wine alone and it is not the way of the Lord to serve your jobs, bosses, other people. In that I mean you are not to cater to their wants but only things that are necessities such as taking care of your children, church duties, pro-life, prayer, adoration, teaching and preaching the Gospel. Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Ghost are to be sought, taking up your crosses daily and not turning back, don't look back. Not indulging in material things and things that will come out of your body. Not being a part of the world though you are a witness against it. Don't say your jobs are prayers unless you are a clergy or in a monastery or convent. Working for worldly things with and for worldly people is not a prayer or of God. In that you suffer by putting up with their wickedness, greed, lack of concern of Godly principles surely offer it up as prayer and sacrifice but not what you earn or the other things that have nothing to do with God. I say if you love your jobs you don't love God. You cannot serve Him and please Him if you are for pleasing the world or yourselves. Mary will be dead and buried before she gets the picture. You know the investor woman and many like her in low places and in high places in buildings that will fall, catch on fire, or be bombed. Don't wait or it will be too late as it will be for her. It is our choice to deny ourselves daily or we deny Christ whom we are called to live for all the time. The next time she has a nightmare she will see this but it will be for real. On her judgment day they shall accuse her of many crimes. |
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