For those
who understand compassion, pet lovers, nature enthusiasts; the Lord your God comes to you to speak,
for many of you do not save the unborn. Some of us are sorrowful over the poor creatures
we see on the sides of many roads
also and we could at least call those who will come to
take the remains away. We extend to you also if we can do this for these lesser
poor creatures of the Lord's we must do what we can to aid the helpless unborn made in the
likeness and image of Him. It is greed,
selfishness, evil people that do these billions of crimes and
sins. The Lord does not have to count. Those who have kennels, pet farms, puppy
mills where these animals are abused, or die horrible slow
deaths, you will be held accountable for this as well. He who shuts his ears to the
cry of the helpless will themself cry for help and not be heard.
Prov. 21:13. The Lord does not hide His eyes
from these things. Neither do those who care. See Hearts United for Animals,
Prisoners Of Greed. If you cannot show
compassion for these lesser creatures it is because you don't have
compassion or love at all. Hopefully that is not for unborn babies either.
You certainly can be the neighbor to the unborn as Jesus commands us to.
Forerunner, shows
abortionists in Florida.
I hope in the near future starting this year we will no longer be
cowards and fight to the death for the babies.
There is no other way I assure you. It is the
hard way not the broad way of just prayers and your singing at death camps while a hundred
feet away you know babies are being mutilated to death. What a way to end abortion. Those dead babies at
Phila. Women's Center are now seeping blood in the
sewage. See the sewer you stand on there, blood of babies and baby parts are underneath
your feet. I am in full support of Neal Horsley and his websites and
hope he is able to be the
new governor of Georgia when that election takes place. His websites are, (the creator's rights party), and has a site for the Nuremberg Files in Europe.
I urge you to get websites if you are able from outside of the U.S. so they won't intimidate you on first
amendment rights of free speech in showing addresses and photos of abortionists, politicians and justices or who ever
that is in the anti-government or private, business or public that is a helper or funder of abortion better known as
BABY MURDER. The war against terrorism of the unborn in this nation must be won or many more millions will be put to death legally and illegally, count on many more millions going to hell for it. I have no time for the unrealistic point of view on this regarding the people advocating the murder of babies and those who do the murdering. I am catholic but a realistic one that cannot shut the truth out. I know enough as many of us do to warn anyone for what is going to happen unless outlawing the murder of babies happens. We must seek federal and state prosecutions and convictions for these criminals. You and I are better than they are. You, me and many good people don't murder especially babies. They don't care about you or anyone. They would kill you to if they could. You cannot love God or anyone if you kill babies. Such love is false, a lie, a grave sin. God does not kill babies. He creates them the way He created you and me. Look at the people that kill babies. Heartless, cold reptiles that have no sense of right or wrong. I have listed this for your information to learn about many things that are important, this is about the Council On Foreign Relations one of many organizations that consists of murderers. Council Of Foreign Relations. There is never a motive to offend those who are of God only those who aren't. I prefer to offend those not of God, especially those who profess to be catholic. I refer anyone anytime as much as possible to read pro-life websites of all sorts, read articles, books, look at videos, look at the enemy sites, follow closely what they do, what they plan. Their plans are to end lives of millions, billions, to steal, cheat, rob, lust, destroy billions of souls, to take over the world until God no longer allows them to exist anymore. I must say the time will come when the murderers of babies, the immoral, the lustful, sinful, all those who are of the world will die a billion times more painfully than what I just said. I ask the Lord when are You coming again, when will You pay them back, how long do we have to wait for justice? I cannot extend mercy to them especially but it is not I who am the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, so it is not my call. My duty is to unborn babies, to God, not to others, not to me, not to females that even murder their babies or anyone that is indifferent, apathetic, careless or those who especially say for any exception a female has a right to use contraception or kill an unborn. For future elections. If you want war, death, immorality and hate God, vote for the democrats. There are few who are for life and Jesus. It is by God's grace if you are non-Christian to be a believer as we are. Many in the catholic church also don't want to hear the truth so as Jesus did, the words of life are for those who want to know. How hard it will be for many who call themselves catholic or Christian to ever make it to heaven. This is not because of their religion but because they did not live like Christians. Enough of little battles being won now and then. It's war on those who want to murder babies. It must get messy sometimes. They declared war on unborn we must declare it on them. The time will come when many will have to die for this be it in the next year or in years to come. Truly it is more than messy what happens inside these death camps. Many other illegal activities are happening in the death camps and hospitals. Abortions of any type or contraceptive use is never health care or medicine. Saving the life of the female is a moot issue in pro-life logical reasoning. I dare any female to say to God I had a right to kill my baby because my life depended on it. When I correct the vast majority soft in the church it is to make them realistic to what is and what is to come. I have no problem cutting off indifferent relatives, co-workers, friends who are pro-choice. No change will lead them into hell also. I will not be a part of it. Since most won't listen they will find out but we hope it won't be too late for their souls. They seek to live a life of sin, kill, stop the rate of population in many poor countries and regions in the world. They stand for Advocates for Safe Parenthood Improving Reproductive Equity. Another name for abortion, birth control, lust, death. Some ideas for billboards, banners, signs at vigils. Recent update is that eight states are already using verichips that can be placed under the skin on humans. Don't accept this. It does not matter whether they put it on the forehead or the hand. The mark of evil comes in many ways. We know the Scriptures regarding the mark of the beast which is hard to determine exactly what it is but accept no number that can be linked to triple 6 or any chip that can be imbedded on your body or under your skin. Many of us believe the great apostasy is here but much has yet to come still and may be spread over a year or 100 years when many other things will happen. I remind you to remain faithful to the Lord in light of hard times or persecutions. Expect fellow Christians to see death "role" models like Hillary Clinton with many democrats in office to propose House and Senate Bills for the United Nations to have increased population control again. The UNFPA is not going to let up. Radical feminists, the pro-death people are in every part of the world. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein-CA are some of the chief murderer proposers of Federal legislation. These many leftist liberal lowly will not give up on funding other nations, many of them poor nations in killing babies worldwide through abortion of all sorts, contraceptive use with us helping to pay for it against our will. Even if the money is not from our pockets you cannot sit back to allow this. That is why your votes are crucial in any election, writing pro-life or neutral politicians, protesting, prayers of suffering. Beware of flip flop politicians. Crucial elections will be in a couple years again. Babies yet to be born depend on you to fight these snakes like Hillary Clinton-NY, Ed Rendell, Senator Joe Biden-DE and all cowards. You would hear words from the past and present from dirty politicians like those I mention including former President Bill Clinton who with Al Gore had a reign of terror for any child that wanted to be born. They use lines like all the pro-abort groups and providers like a woman's honor. I have no honor for any female that kills a baby in any way. God does not honor murderers.
In the Yellow Book the headings in Family and Marriage, Family Planning, Health, Information and Referral, Sex Related Issues, Helpline Center, Inc.,
Pregnancy, Counseling, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Discrimination, Civil-equal rights. Avoid all that uses reproductive, women clinics. Don't trust
what you see in the white, blue or yellow pages of any directory. Until you research you must be careful who you are dealing with. If someone
gives you a pill to get rid of a problem, run from them. I say this to you many women who are pregnant or may get pregnant. The drugs or devices they give
you even for free are the devil's toys or the candy he gives out with the lethal poison you will suffer from later when life is
lost inside you. Family Planning clinics are part of the devil's playgrounds. Be alert to the Guide to Human Services, Family Services that also
lists PP in Wilmington, Claymont, Newark. This is for you to watch, warn others from. PP tries to claim they are part of the government in some regions.
They with all the enemies of pro-life will go out to fight until the last of them stands. They will filibuster life. Heaven will
filibuster those for helping them execute the unborn, those who are suicidal, the terminally ill who seek to die by their will,
which is not God's will. You are not to buy Philadelphia Magazine, the Inquirer, NY Times, Daily News, don't eat at over priced
places Le Bec Fin. IGA is the largest insurance carrier of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. If
you can get IGA records for malpractice and claims. I would like to see all the pig doctors who prescribe for the abortion industry and
birth control also. Boycott these also. They fund PP despite the hidden charity of breast cancer research and fighting cancer. The ACLU continues to support, legally fight against unborn babies and all morality or anything to do with God or Christianity. The rights to many Christians in the public will grow more intense in the secular society we are not a part of. God is unconstitutional in America. His laws are unfit for the world, children must be allowed to have contraception, have unsafe sex and be allowed to kill a baby also. This is the American Way. Have no part of that organization either. Teaching grade schoolers how to kill. Giving them porn and anything to fit in with the devil's plans to destroy the family and marriage. Suppression of free speech, fundamental rights to live, not be spied on by government and the private sector. The many sites I have seen from our enemies causes severe headaches. The many silent in our churches and in this culture is sadly heartbreaking. Unborn babies will not have even a chance to cry in the womb with what is going to happen. Ortho McNeil with its contraceptive hormonal patch will be eventually sold OTC the way FDA guidelines are going. See those commercials they have? Other methods to murder are forthcoming. The pro-aborts are saying there will be less abortions, but truly it will increase. So will many deaths of women. The morning after kill pill, whatever you want to call it will be available anywhere to murder. Regarding birth control it is the same as picking up a knife then sticking it into somebody's chest. Murder is constitutional in America, so I guess we can start killing the butcher "doctors" that murder babies. God will destroy the murderers. The liberals hate what we have to say. The flag of America means nothing. I serve God, not any nation. About 98 million people are guilty of murder of unborn babies that did not repent in America.
Planned Parenthood will be doing much more than they ever did with its plans for Pre-meditated,
Pre-Planned Murder. PP plans to destroy the lives of any
female that comes to them to kill their baby. PP and the pro-aborts are doing twenty times as much than what they have ever done in the past.
They will laugh with 5 billion people to hell if they get their way in years to come. Don't let them. You and I cannot save all the babies but we
must save as many as we can in our regions, in our crappy nation and in the wicked world.
Pay attention to the most recent news from pro-life sites, organizations, those faithful to God, the church faithful,
the pro-life true. Pay attention to what our millions of enemies are doing by their sites, news they spread, the lies, what they don't tell you.
For the catholics that keep on looking for a way to get the guilty
catholics and guilty women off the hook or let them out of punishment that kill
and have killed I am telling you now, you better stop letting murderers go or you yourself will have committed grievous
sin by ignoring the life of His children that were murdered and will be murdered in the future. |
Dear God give me courage for, perhaps, I lack it more than anything else. I need courage before men against their threats and their seductions. I need courage to bear unkindness, mockery, contradiction; I need courage to fight against the devil, against terrors, troubles, temptations, attractions, darkness and false lights; against tears, depression and above all, fear. I need Thy help, dear God. Strengthen me with Thy love and Thy grace. Console me with Thy blessed presence and grant me the courage to persevere until I am with Thee forever in heaven. Amen. ACOG 2005 Update, go to this and search around what some true pro-life people of a militant belief say and show. I don't like cartoons or comics, but I believe in using these methods and whatever else it takes to stop abortionists and its supporters the American Government. You will find out what they say and do is true and needed as unpleasant as it is. A year or three from now you will pick up a rifle if you want to end abortion. Learn your rights, what you can do or can't when involved in the pro-life movement. Our enemies are dogs. False witnesses, liars, the devil's daughters and sons who will be out to harm many who do the will of the Lord. God wants abortionists known and the heaven we desire to enter has given each of those who want to be faithful the ability to do many things. Some have been called to do things that nobody else wants to do. Abortionists are to be thought of as dogs since they murder babies. Fight the abortionists as much as you can. Publish books on them, show their photos, list their addresses and show pictures of their vehicles and license plates in websites, and it should be on a widescale. Get a copyright or patent on having a dart board made with their faces and their name underneath them. They are the worst of criminals to Jesus Christ and to babies. They hate Jesus Christ, they hate us and what we do to fight them. Use a 200 mm or higher power lense if you take pictures. It is because we do God's will for the exposing of truth and the dogs they are. In the future I will be talking to a pro-life civil attorney for what rights we have in the area of pro-life, the dirt are always trying to take what little we have away so they can murder and bring all the souls to hell with them. I see the sin of pride in many in the church and in the pro-life movement. Jesus Christ is not interested that you saw the Pope, a senator, an actor or celebrity. He sees through all His servants as well. The more the servant you claim, the more is expected from you, that includes your blood. I don't go around and show that I saw someone known nationally or internationally. I am not impressed with these. Jesus the Lord your God wants you to seek Him and say you saw Him if He does appear. Did not some great saints who are praying in our behalf see Him which is a grace? How could it be that it is a grace if another servant of the Lord is in your presence or writes you? Is not this servant one that also makes an account of his deeds? Seek to be with the Lord and those who are celestial, not the things you can see and hear. For those who have blinders on Scripture has it in 1 John 3:4-8 regarding those who desire sin, who are of the world. They that aren't doing the will of God but refuse to turn from sin are the devil's children. Many so called catholics don't understand their faith. Don't seek to be understood for many are not of God though they say they are. Contact your senators to support changing the rules to end tactics like the filibuster so we can get decent judges and justices on the bench and have the death judges hung for treason and war crimes. I believe strongly that those who were appointed and legislated death warrants for babies and innocent civilians are guilty of war crimes and while it seems I am pointing out capital punishment it is by the hand of God such crimes have taken place in what He allows and what He wants for those who seek to please Him. Watching babies being murdered when we all know deep within if we are going to save them is not pleasing to Him or dead babies, and don't tell any of us that want to go to war physically with the pigs of death it's not His will and He wants us to limit ourselves to the obedience of governments that promote, advocate, protect baby murderers and the abortion and birth control industry. Where is that in the Bible? It is not in the catechism either unless your a liberal using a revised Archdiocese of Lost Angels version that says we must let the abortionists kill babies, and obey local, state and federal anarchists and oppressors that fund and protect murders and euthanasia, and everything the devil and those of his world want. I am even kind enough to say we can be humane about it and use lethal injection. Isn't that what Florida does? I am being kind, I didn't tell them to starve helpless people to death nor did I say to anyone cut the babies up and dispose of them. The courts did. There are many in our churches that distance themselves from the servants of the Lord, those who warn you. Those who are warriors for the life of the unborn at all costs. Unless you are willing to lose your life for the Lord you will lose your reward in heaven. In order to be helped you must seek, take the time to be informed as the various sites mentioned will be useful for pro-life, the unborn, those who contemplate or live in sin. I extend that the souls of these murdered babies from the beginning to the end though unbaptized will suffer a while longer in much but will be there to testify against those who denied their existence. Did not Jesus say? "If you did it to the least of my brothers, you did it to me". If you did this to the babies or said it is okay to do this to the babies for any reason you did it to Jesus. What you did not do for Jesus is a grave sin in itself. What I am telling you faithful catholic church or anyone else that if you did not save babies or try to save babies you did not do it for Him. You know what the Bible says. Cowardly priests making excuses for the murderers of babies and the more than twenty million pro-aborts in the novus ordo church that go to church services once a week. Perhaps it is 30 or as high as 40 million in full pro-abort attitude or in part. Twenty million is the low figure. I could use the high figure of forty five million catholics? About the same number of babies killed from surgical abortion since the day of darkness when Satan was able to let millions of demons in America. It is because many more of those millions who wanted to live have taken the place in heaven of a much higher number of those who killed in their hearts if not with their dirty hands. Toxic gas fills the atmosphere we are forced to inhale, the soil from under my feet is stained and cries to me as I tread in fear of what lies ahead. I see the city of freedom destroyed where liberty falls down on hundreds of people below its very foundation. It will be everywhere where the eye can see, where the ear will hear. The bell is cracked into pieces. The eagle will no longer prey upon the innocent where it has lost its wings falling to its demise. Proud nation those who are wise know what I speak about. Many will be blinded to the truth and will perish some quickly, some slowly with buildings heaped upon them as they slowly bleed to death crawling for safety then a heavy block of cement crushes their bodies. Plagues will run into rivers, drinking water, nature will prey upon the guilty, the innocent will cry and suffer many deaths for the souls that will be saved. You did not fool I, so how can it be that the Lord is not fooled and will not punish them all? What will anyone say to Him on the day of judgment? The light is all over but they turn it off. They love darkness, they sleep with snakes, adders, fire breathing dragons crawling in the aisles of Saint Catherine of Genoa, Holy Redeemer, Our Mother of Consolation that murder the babies, that murder souls infecting all they touch with their disease. Throw them out into the bitter cold, into the ends of the universe where they will be forgotten, where they will be no more. The Lord our God hides from them for they know not His words or His ways. Ignorant go read a nice novel or watch that idiotic television that you worship. American Medical Association AMA.assn.Org. Also American Board of Gynecologists, Abogynecologists, Licenses of physicians may be expired and if they are practicing it is illegal. Area codes specify where they live or practice. ACOG, This covers an 18 county area in which I deal with where all abortionists that live or kill in. I exclude Kent and Sussex County in Delaware or any county in Maryland except if abortionists residences if they are killing in these 18 counties I extend to. I do not specify counties beyond Lancaster, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton counties. I do list the address of those abortionists in PA if they live outside the region that kill in the territory. I also exclude death camps and hospitals from Hunterdon, Somerset, Monmouth, Warren and Ocean Counties. There are over 1,300 ACOG members in the region. Start focusing on these first or names you know of any doctor known for abortion or birth control. You are dealing with over 5,000 physicians many of which are doing things that they shouldn't be doing. Charles Benjamin is listed as an Osteopathic Surgeon but all he does is murder babies. ACOG has about 45,000 members in the states and 30,000 of them do abortions, such as one or ten a year. Assume they all fill out birth control, they are advocates and supporters of abortion and birth control. ACOG has a code of immorality in its ethics and vow to promote killing or perform killing services., Maryland Board, Maryland Licenses,, Listings for private detectives, has lists, directories and databases about physicians in the region and other information that may aid us against the abortion clinics. If anyone gets information on the dirtbags here that kill and PP in Warminster we need to know asap. They are hiding and slipping out the back or waiting until protesters leave. Searches on the web,,, All The Web, Board Certified Doctors, Use.Com. I extend the Lord's wrath upon those who will continue to live in such evil. Hypocrite catholics and the republicans helped pro-abort politicians intentionally to get back into office due to false loyalty. They were more concerned about a majority than what Jesus wants. We will pay dearly for this due to millions of sins. In the first year with someone like Obama or Clinton as President they with their co-sponsors will be directly responsible for killing over 200 million babies by contraception and surgical abortion. I say that on a minimum figure. I speak of planet Earth with that number since pro-abort politicians and their death friends in the world will get the money and cooperation from other governments to do it. Catholics you won't have any excuse if you vote for pro-aborts in the future. Nobody will be able to say to us and more importantly to God when you are alone in front of the judgment seat to say Clinton, Kerry or any pro-abort had a better vision of America for tax cuts, job creation or anything else. Not now not ever. Scripture was pointed out in the other site in Revelation Chapters 21 and 22. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg you worthless, arrogant loud mouthed glutton of power. In your last days you will be in severe agony for the Lord God has plans to have painful memories of your lifetime when babies say she hated us. She wanted to kill more of us. "Depart from Me you doer of evil into everlasting fire. Thus says THE LORD GOD". She is affiliated with NOW the number one lobby feminist group in the nation. Planned Parenthood International is a major part of this. Even in their site don't be fooled over the poverty stricken and their honor. Yes we should aid the poor, the hungry and be the Good Samaritan. But no we should not help any one or nation that will kill babies by the family planning set up by the world elite who seek to murder the unborn. It is by faith we must believe what our heavenly mother has told us for centuries and that the end times are coming where she will no longer be able to hold back the arm of a just God who wanted to have mercy but the world rejected His mercy, His decrees, His love, His eternal plans. They love darkness for the truth is not in them. Aids is one of the pretexts the world population and pro-abort groups use to gain sympathy. See UNFPA the United Nations Population Fund site. It should scare you what they are planning. These criminals of humanity use laughable excuses like the "honor of women", for you to feel sorry for a female who is poor, or a rape victim by giving her the money or freedom to murder the innocent baby. Honor! This world organization is a cesspool of human body waste UNFPA.Org. Death to you NOW, NARAL, ACLU, Feminist Majority, NAF, Center for Reproductive Choice, AFA AND YOU PLANNED PARENTHOOD for your day will come as you lead many to hell. Greater is your punishment meant for the devil and his angels. Other locations of Planned Parenthood outside the 5 counties in the Philadelphia region closeby are in Reading, Claymont DE, Wilmington, Dover, Lancaster, Allentown, Trenton, Camden kill center, Cherry Hill in JFK Memorial Hospital, Bellmawr, NJ, 35 Browning Road, Blackwood, New Jersey, Edgewater Park, Park Plaza Mall on Rt. 130 S., Suite A-10. LabCorp and Health Network Labs do tests for abortion providers. Planned Parenthood notes in its local site it uses the Blackwell name at 1211 Chestnut Street in Phila, Suite 405. In the black well is baby parts mixed with blood and water. With PP it's the thought that counts even if they only refer to kill babies at other death camps while they fill out your morning glory pill at 405. When you go on doing what you do on a Sunday, remember that tomorrow morning executions of many will take place all over the region with no remains left as they are incinerated, sold to hospitals for parts, used in vaccines by drug manufacturers, flushed into sewage pipes, many babies are thrown in dumpsters as their remains are thought of trash. The birds of the air have it good. It's time for all of us to pick up our arms that God has given us to go to war with the people who war against the unborn child and the family, the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. And the gift and virtue of chastity. To not fight them is to let them win the devil's plans. You will have a better understanding of this. What it is in simple terms is killing an embryo of a child at any stage of conception. The more the child develops the more the pro-death agenda is interested in killing the child. Why do you think many pro-aborts, the medical field want later term and partial birth abortions in the states and world to use the stem cells for each of its functions to have cures for diseases from those who are already born or dying? Since when is it okay to kill a baby to cure others? This is one reason for stem cells research. They can identify the cell since a cell that forms bone is of no value for a lung cancer patient is it? The Red Cross also is interested in having babies killed for blood. Don't donate to these two sided organizations. The United Way, March Of Dimes either. YOU NATION OF MURDERERS YOUR TIME IS COMING SWIFTLY YOU KNOW NOT WHEN. A boyfriend or spouse that tells a woman or girl to have an abortion is guilty of murder just as much as the consensual female that killed her baby. Many females of all ages even in ignorance using contraception have murdered untold millions of babies since the early 1960's. Many of us loved many of these from the past. We did not even know we were with killers. I hope many repented of their crimes which they must be punished for in this world so they don't pay in the next. Many of us men would break down into anguish knowing the woman or daughter we love has committed murder even if the woman did not know the result, still a child's life was taken. The local, state, federal law enforcement agencies are well armed with the military to kill us with the babies. They want you to give up your firearms, your rights and they want to stick a computer chip on you to control you. The day will come when these things will occur. Don't take the chip or any inscription that is mandated by any government or private agency. Don't you see all the cameras watching you outside your home? I wasn't willing to give up my rights for security. That is why even if we try to save a baby we will go to jail. These political and judicial enemies of ours will be sponsoring, legislating new bills to support federal funding, state funding of abortion, contraception, teaching children how to have safe sex without parental consent. They will be giving out kill pills to 9 year old girls. Condoms for 8 year old boys. The Lord God sees a despicable enemy in the dirty mind and heart of a false Christian, a no-Catholic, one who is the bottom of a pit of black snakes like Hillary. Look at those Democrats. What would God say to you if you vote for one of them knowing what evil they will plan? I get sick when I look at magazine racks in stores. When I see something on tv that is not my own I must walk away since I have no desire to see fornicators in bed, cursing and all the other things you can imagine on cable or even regular tv or radio. I have to criticize the soft Christians when they think many are getting to heaven no matter what they do. It's not my will we warn others to conform. Happy clergy, happy parish, tell them what they want to hear in our thousands of churches. This will land many priests and clergy in hell since they did not warn, tell the truth or even suffer. Many in flocks will end up there because of clergy not doing the will of God. God is not happy, I am not happy, my colleagues are not happy, the millions of murdered babies are not happy. Millions were taken this year, then we must fear 2009 and the future. I see that bozo dancing with his bimbo and the ball at Times Square falling with fire and baby parts on the crowd of wicked doers. Would someone say to any of us strong pro-life activists that a baby was happy from being killed by their biological parents? Does it matter if the baby is happy now? So can we also commit murder to make people happy? I will start listing addresses and places now for the people you can consider murdering also so they will be happy in hell. This is the United States of Murder feel free you have a constitutional right to kill anyone you want because they are not viable. They cannot breathe air under water can they? They will starve if they are not fed so therefore they are not viable like an unborn baby or Terri Schiavo. I hope nobody in this world justifies to God how happy a baby is after they were killed or that murder victims are happy because someone said I have a right to kill. Is being sad going to bring them back? If so I would have all do it. But we must be more than sad, we must suffer greatly for the crimes of humanity and our own sins. Until the end of the world even in heaven there are untold sorrows, tears of the saints from what they know. Until He comes back and all things are renewed will there be complete happiness in the Kingdom of God.
We are fighting the worst of snakes, piranhas, the coldest reptiles, the worst of
living things. That is those who murder babies. Lower than any form of life ever in the seas,
waters of the deepest darkest filth.
ABORTIONISTS. Those who respect them, those who advocate them. These are pigs burning in hell. We do what we can though we have
failed many times ourselves to follow through. How many catholics will be in hell?
Am I judging? Do I know that the Lord will
punish the wolves in sheep's clothing as well? Jesus says it Himself.
You and I answer to the Lord our God, not apostate cardinals and "bishops".
In order to be a true and faithful catholic, you must be that as a
Christian, you must be that of the old and the new law and what the Lord tells
you what to do. I cannot imagine a cardinal
saying I will allow pro-abortion people and unrepentant sinners the Eucharist.
Well yes I can. Look at what they did and
will never change even if they go to hell with the ignoramouses in their parishes
that don't love God. For if you love to
sin even millions profess a faith in the churches you love not God, you love Satan and his works. You will join him because
you are his children. Jesus said the Scribes and Pharisees were a brood of vipers. John did, many did. We have that
right as well to call cardinals, bishops, priests, laity and those of other faiths and non-believers the same. Children of
the devil and Satan. So I say to you if you love the Lord you will not do these things. You will obey Him and sin not.
Cut off all funds
from pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood; under his administration their funds have increased. Stop funding
abortions for rape, incest, life of the mother and chemically. I add on to it make all killing of the unborn a capital
crime with life imprisonment, steep fines, no more immunity for pro-death politicians or justices, judges, abortionists,
the pro-abort groups, the females that procure the murder of their unborn baby. No exceptions. Present senators in office
decide filibusters, impeachment, constitutional amendments and if America lives or will be destroyed. Vote accordingly
next time. It is evident who is evil who is good, start writing them to impeach judges and justices that legislate murder
and immorality from the bench. I have taken this information from Neal Horsely
who I believe is the strongest and truthful voice in Un-AMERICA regarding the pro-life issue.
I believe we as a nation should fight to the death and we should buy weapons or get them
any way we can while we are still able before we end up dead or in concentration camps of
the new order and North American Union the pigs such
as Hillary, and the democrats and republicans in office want. We also must stock up on
ammunition, powder to make your own etc. These dogs in federal and
state government are taking your rights away from you one by one and will have you slaves of them by sanctions,
imprisonment, law suits and many other illegal
methods they are planning so we must get arms and other supplies to revolt against the anti-government of
commieism, socialism, fascism, baby murder, forced euthanasia and the other things the federal and state
anti-government and its advocates does and promotes. We should fight the IRS and get rid of the private
bank system which is the Fed. This dirty
country is not even American, it is godless and it is another China but more subtle about it.
I concur with Mr. Horsely on what he promotes. His information
is the colored text. I have edited from his site for the sake of space.
The experiences of the last 36 years prove there is only one way we will be delivered from this present evil. We
intend to create a new ruling majority in at least one State in these presently united States of America, a majority
that will be composed of people willing to nullify federal abortion laws or die trying. History has shown a State
government can nullify federal law if the people in that State are willing to fight to the death rather than allow
federal law to be enforced there.
The strategy we propose is the only viable strategy because events have shown that to abolish legalized abortion
we must create a new political configuration with a new majority unlike any that presently exists in any political
framework in this nation. Finally that new majority will be composed of people who cannot suffer this evil any longer.
Those people will relocate themselves to a Free State in exactly the way people relocated themselves,
because of their determination to abolish slavery, to Kansas prior to the American Civil War.
Once they have that Free State under firm control, they will elect a Governor who will then nullify federal law.
The resulting confrontation with the federal government will either cause abortion to be outlawed in that State or
else show the USA to be a ravenous beast that devours both the unborn and the protectors of the unborn.
The strategy we advocate is a strategy that grows out of a different premise than the one most of the leaders of
the pro-life movement have worked on for the last thirty four years.
This new strategy grows out of a certain sense
that, unless it is arrested, the evil we presently see around us in the United States of America will inevitably
cause the people of this nation to suffer so much that they will realize the terrible consequences that fall on the
people of a nation--Christians included--who have participated in great evil. This new strategy anticipates that
the pain God is even now allowing to descend on this nation will soon become so insufferable that people will
become ready to do what is required to arrest legalized abortion, even fight to the death to stop it if that
is what is required. Reviewing the Problem Shows Why Radical Strategy Is Required
Since a nation is an abstract symbol that stands for the reality comprised of each and every individual human being
within that nation, what can be said about the nation can and must be said about each individual who collaborates
with that nation if the truth is to be stated. The people in any nation of people which legally allows unborn
babies to be killed defile themselves from their station as the children of God to the extent that they
collaborate with, rather than resist, that nation and its commonly accepted authorities.
It is true that many have not suffered this evil easily or in silence. Much has been done to attempt to
remove ourselves from the grips of this evil. Yet the evil remains. Today any pregnant woman who so chooses has the
legal right under the rules defined by the federal government of the USA to kill the unborn person inside her
body up to the moment that person emerges from the womb. While that “right” is disputed by some State governments,
those disputes have been overruled by the federal government in every precedent established in the last thirty
four years. Demons Named Denial and Surrender
I learned much about demons by working for the last ten years as a computer programmer. In computer programming a
demon (computer programmers normally call it "daemon" after the original Greek word, but it's a Demon
just the same) is a program that resides on the computer. The demon is normally dormant but is activated when the
computer user takes certain actions with the computer. In other words, a demon is a user-activated computer program.
When the demon is activated, it takes over the computer, does its demon work, and then disappears back
into the background when its work is done, there to await its next activation.
In the world of computers, it's easy to see that demons are not necessarily bad things. In fact,
computers cannot do what we've learned to expect from them without the presence of demons in the background doing
all sorts of things that the computer user has no knowledge of. But in the kingdom of God, those created in the
image of God are not spiritless computers, and those who were raised in Christ Jesus were not raised to be controlled
by forces they have no knowledge of--by demons running in the hidden places of our mind.
Demons are things that must be cleansed from all God's children if they are to grow up into Christ Jesus.
This article is an attack on the demons named Denial and Surrender. We can begin to understand how those demons
came to reside in people by looking at what happened in this nation with Roe v. Wade. When abortion was
legalized by the federal government of the USA in 1973, Christians were faced with a decision. They had to
either protect unborn babies from unjust death, or they had to obey the federal government: they could not do both.
Christians who believed unborn babies were human beings created in the image of God and deserved lives in
accordance with God’s decree of conception were faced with the full power of the federal government of the USA.
And what did Christians do? They surrendered their duty to defend each individual person created in the image of
God in the USA. Since that surrender was sin, they compensated for their sin by denying that their surrender was
sin at all. To hide from what they had done, two new programs were loaded in their minds.
Thus the two Demons, Denial and Surrender, were loaded into the subconscious mind of Christians in the USA.
The programs only ran when the Christians were required by events to pretend they had not surrendered to sin
by allowing legalized abortion to occur around them.
But when activated, the demons did their work in Christians and ran like the devil.
Of course there were a few exceptions that proved the rule. Those few Christians refused to deny the sin that a
Christian embraces when they stand by and do not defend innocent people from unjust death.
Instead of surrendering to sin, they (you know their names) began to take the law into their own
hands with actions of various types designed to deter, or stop, people from killing unborn babies.
Because those Christians responded in accordance with the law of God, they never had to learn about the
consequences of being loaded with the demons named Denial and Surrender. Most of those Christians are in
prison isolation or dead today, and remain only as a rapidly fading memory.
The rest of us became loaded with the demons named Denial and Surrender.
Before abortion can be outlawed anywhere people cleansed of those Demons must take over the
government of a State or States.
Being Cleansed From Demons
Theoretically it is easy for a Christian to be cleansed of Demons. As the Apostle John tells us,
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
If you are in Christ Jesus and you think about that verse, you will see that the confession mentioned in the
verse is the actual key to forgiveness of sin and cleansing from the unrighteous consequences of that sin.
So to be cleansed of demons we must understand the absolute necessity of confessing the sin that opened the door to the
demon in the first place. If we do not confess our sins, God will not forgive our sins and He will not cleanse us of
all unrighteousness. We will remain infected by demons that, like the demons in a computer, will be activated when we
encounter certain situations, and those demons will do their work through us like we were computers with no access to
the Holy Spirit of God.
Are you beginning to see the problem? The vast majority of Christians in this nation who call themselves
pro-life Christians refuse to admit that personal sin is involved in their daily collaboration with the federal
government of the USA, the government that legalized the slaughter of unborn babies, the government that authorized
every pregnant woman in this nation to kill her baby if she chooses. The fact that you are reading these words
proves that I have been given an unusual grace in my ministry. In spite of the fact that people are infected with a
demon that I have been called by God to attack and destroy, the people infected by that demon, no matter how hard they
try, still find themselves unable to shun or to silence me either effectively or completely.
I have this power because I am confessing my sin. Because I have been cleansed of the demon named Denial,
I have access to the power of the Holy Spirit whose job is to overcome obstacles in ministering to people God
wants to deliver from demons. The Power That Comes From Being Cleansed of Demons
God has never used filthy people to do His work. People who work for God must be cleansed from sin. Confession
and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the key to that cleansing. God cleanses people who confess their sins by
uniting them with the Holy One, the Clean One, the One who has paid the penalty for sin for all those who are in Him.
Even though they might be the filthiest person on earth, when they confess their sins and repent of their sins, they are
united with the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who never sinned, the One whose garments are spotless,
whiter than white, cleaner than clean…If they confess their sin. So these thoughts have come full circle.
The demon named Denial can only be removed by facing the sin that is being denied, confessing that sin, then realizing
the cleansing that comes from being united to the Clean One, the One who has no demons. And that’s the end of the
Demon named Denial.
Destroying the Demon Named Surrender Now for the Demon named Surrender. When we the Christian people of the USA face the
fact that every day that passes we collaborate in the sin of baby murder, then we will begin to realize why we must also
exorcise the other demon named Surrender.
Those who are in Christ Jesus will never surrender to sin. That is because He has never surrendered to sin and has no
intention of surrendering now. If people are actually in Him, they will never be controlled by the demon named Surrender.
Just as Jesus Christ gave His Body before He would surrender to sin, they will give their very bodies if that is what is
required to avoid surrendering to sin. But those in Christ Jesus are also in the flesh at the same time.
And, as the Apostles remind us, the Spirit wrestles with the flesh and the flesh with the Spirit. The way the flesh is
controlled by Satan is important for us to understand if we want to see how the wrestling match between the Spirit and the
flesh works. In Hebrews 2:13-14 we are told, among other things, that the devil uses the fear of death to
keep the whole world (which certainly includes the flesh) in bondage. So the flesh is that part of each and
every one of us, Christians included, that is subject to the fear of death, the part of us that when confronted
with the fear of death counsels us to surrender. With this in mind, it becomes possible to see that the demon named
Surrender is always created by the fear of death. In order to be cleansed from the demon named Surrender we must confess
the sin that moves our flesh to naturally want to surrender when faced with anything that confronts us with the fear
of death.
The reason the demon of Surrender has such a hold on Christians in the USA is we, the people, created the federal
government as a main line of defense against things that create the fear of death within us. When the federal
government became the agent of death to the unborn babies--the least among us--and when the Holy Spirit began to
try to move His people to stop it, the first thing we all realized is this: if the federal government became our
enemy, the most powerful instrument of death on this planet would be directed against each and every person who
tried to stop what the federal government was doing. All flesh on earth fears becoming the enemy of such a government.
So on the day a few years ago when the Holy Spirit tried to move God’s people to understand that decent and orderly and
ordinary resistance to legalized child sacrifice having failed then extraordinary resistance must be applied,
on that day when we should have begun to prepare to separate ourselves from the federal government that had become
the agent of sin and death, on that very day, all but a few Christians surrendered to the idea that the federal
government could legalize the murder of the least of God’s children in this nation and it would be no sin if the
Christians in this nation continued to collaborate with it. On that day, the demon named Surrender occupied the
flesh of every Christian who surrendered to the federal government.
The whole world knows this surrender has occurred within the vast majority of people in this nation who call
themselves Christians. And the world knows why we do it. The world knows that those who claim to be in Christ
surrendered to a godless and murderous federal government because the fear of death was stronger than their fear of
what the Lord would do to them if they decided to surrender to sin.
This situation will not continue: God is going to deliver His people from the fear of death. My confident assertion that
God is going to instill the will within His people that will allow them to do whatever is necessary to break the bondage
to the collaboration with sin that is our present condition in the USA is based upon my reading of key passages in
Romans 6. We are told that one of the consequences of being united with Christ Jesus in His death,
burial and resurrection is people so united will no longer be slaves to sin. When we are told that “sin shall
not have dominion” over us, we are given a word from God that binds God to provide us with the will and strength
necessary to resist being enslaved by sin. I base my faith on the inevitability of fruition in the movement
I am a part of on 1. God's people are presently enslaved to sin in the USA, 2. God is no liar: God honors His
commitment to His people. God will not allow His people to continue as slaves to sin. He will give us the
will to do whatever is necessary to break our bondage to the demons named Denial and Surrender, even if it
costs us our lives. All it takes to destroy the demon named Surrender is to determine to give your life in
service to the Lord Jesus
Christ--give your life not as an abstract principle that will provide you with 90 years of comfortable American living,
but give your life even if it means you end up fighting the federal government of the USA to the death in the near future.
If you have eliminated the demons of Denial and Surrender from your soul, you will know that we are in the midst of
the most unimaginable calamity that has ever befallen Christians on earth. By allowing the demons of Denial and
Surrender to operate with impunity in our individual souls for years, those of us who are in Christ
Jesus have allowed ourselves to become enslaved in a nation of people who use us to provide the
theological justification—the tacit imprimatur--for the perpetuation of legalized human sacrifice. In other words,
the willingness of people who claim to be in Christ Jesus to abide within this nation that has legalized abortion
provides a tacit imprimatur that tempts the whole world to believe that the God and Father of the Lord Jesus
Christ condones and authorizes legalized abortion. The fact that we provide this nation that has legalized
child sacrifice with this message—this tacit imprimatur--about God has made this generation of Christians among
the most confusing witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ who have ever lived on earth. We have in fact become the
Modern Lapsi. Every day that passes with Christians in the USA not being led by God to lay their lives down
to stop legalized abortion makes it appear that God cares more about the present peace and lives of born
Christians than He does about the lives of unborn babies. This willingness on the part of Christians to tolerate
the legalized slaughter of unborn babies is a living testimony
that makes God look like what the New Testament calls “a respecter of persons” and belies any rhetoric we utter that
suggests unborn babies are created in the image of God in exactly the same way and deserving of the same
protections as the rest of us. Such a false testimony is one of the most confusing messages Christians can send to the world.