This was reformatted and edited
but if you want you can go to Richard Ibranyi's site for the original texts. I may not agree with all of
this. I do say don't use the Baltimore Catechism but only the Council of Trent Catechism. Make sure
the text or site you use are not heretics. If you see things that you sense are not Catholic sounding
it is because they probably aren't but are the death dealing writings or opinions and beliefs of false
traditional catholics. Novus ordos are not catholic at all and you know better to use anything from them dogs.
The answers or blue text is not Richard Ibranyi's but my belief with the knowledge I have presently. Some or all of
the statements that Mr. Ibranyi once stated may be a different stance. You can go to his
website which is and listen to his audios and videos, read his articles and other materials. 1. What is a dogma? A. A dogma is a truth of faith or morals that is infallibly defined by the Catholic Church. 2. Does a dogma change its meaning? A. No. A dogma does not change its meaning, it has the same meaning forever and in all places. 3. How are Catholic dogmas defined? A. Public dogmas are defined when a pope makes an infallible definition on faith or morals. 4. How do we know when a pope makes an infallible definition? A. We know that the pope makes an infallible definition on faith or morals when he tells all Catholics they must believe in it or else be condemned (anathema). When the pope teaches infallibly he is teaching from the Chair of Peter (Ex Cathedra). (Vatican Council, Pope Pius IX, 1870) 5. Where can you find the infallible definitions of popes? A. We can find the infallible definitions of popes in certain papal bulls and encyclicals, in the popes' condemnations against heresies and heretics, and in the sessions and decrees of Councils that popes have confirmed. 6. What is a heresy? A. A heresy is the denial of a dogma of the Catholic faith. 7. Who is a heretic? A. A heretic is one who after baptism obstinately doubts or denies a dogma, either directly or by omission of due diligence. (Canons 1325.2 and 2199) 8. Who is an apostate? A. An apostate is one who after baptism denies the Divinity of Jesus Christ and/or the Most Holy Trinity. An apostate is punished by the Church the same way as a heretic. 9. How can we tell who is a heretic? A. As soon as we are sure that a baptized man who seemed to teach a heresy meant the heresy, and it was not a mistake or taken out of context, we then know that he is a heretic. A heretic can be guilty by words, writings, beliefs or acts. If you see someone pray with Protestants or with non-Catholics, this is an act of heresy. If you believe that there is for example salvation outside the Catholic Church you are a heretic. It does not need to be explained to you since you did not take the time to find out or even care what your Catholic faith requires. 10. How can we tell if a subject who seemed to teach a heresy meant what he said? A. If we have access to a subject who seemed to teach a heresy, we must ask him if he made a mistake, or if we took him out of context, or if he meant to teach the heresy. If he meant the heresy then we must point out the truth to him, accuse him of heresy, and call him a heretic until he repents and abjures from his heresy. This is not totally accurate. A heretic can be judged by their words or actions. Charity merely as an act of Christ's salvific love and a spiritual work of mercy obliges you to inform and if need be warn the heretic of their false beliefs and for repentance. 11. How can we tell if a subject is a heretic if we do not have access to him? A. We can know that a subject is a heretic without questioning him, if he publicly and persistently teaches and/or practices heresy so as to remove all doubt as to what he meant (the heresy). 12. How does the Catholic Church punish a heretic? A. The Catholic Church punishes a heretic by excommunicating him. This excommunication makes him a non-Catholic and places him outside the Catholic Church. (Canon 2314.1) 13. Does a heretic need to be warned before he is excommunicated? A. No. The very instant a Catholic becomes a heretic he is automatically excommunicated and falls outside the Catholic Church and becomes a non-Catholic without the need of a warning or declaration, this known as an automatic (ipso facto) excommunication (latae sententiae). (Canon 2314.1) (Errors of the Synod of Pistoia, Pope Pius VI, #47, 1794) 14. What happens if a pope or bishop becomes a public heretic? A. A pope or Catholic bishop that becomes a public heretic is automatically excommunicated by the Church and is no longer Catholic. They would also automatically lose their offices. The pope would then no longer be the pope, this is known as papal deposition. The bishop would also automatically lose his office. 15. Who deposes a pope that becomes a public heretic from his office? A. The Church automatically deposes a publicly heretical pope by the authority of Her laws. (Canon 188.4) 16. Can a heretic be elected to the papacy? A. No. If a heretic was elected to be pope his election would be null and void (invalid) and thus he could not be pope. (Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, Pope Paul IV, Feb. 15, 1559) 17. How do we know that John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict are non-Catholic antipopes? A. We know that these "popes" were non-Catholic antipopes because they were public heretics. 18. How do we know John Paul II is a non-Catholic antipope? A. We know that John Paul II is a non-Catholic antipope because he is a public heretic. John Paul II is also an apostate and an anti-christ. 19. Does the Catholic Church always have to have a pope? A. No. The Catholic Church does not always have to have a pope. There is no pope between papal elections, thus the Holy See is vacant (sedevacante). 20. When there is no pope is perpetual papal succession lost? A. No. When there is no pope perpetual papal succession is not lost. The next pope elected continues papal succession. (Qui Pluribus, Pope Pius IX, 1846, First Vatican Council, 1870) 21. How do we know that the Second Vatican Council is a non-Catholic Council? A. We know that the Second Vatican Council is a non-Catholic Council because it teaches heresies in its documents. It teaches apostacy, freemasonic and anti-christ beliefs. 22. How do we know that the cardinals and bishops who signed any one of the Second Vatican Council's documents are heretics? A. We know the cardinals and bishops who signed any one of the Second Vatican Council's documents are heretics because the Vatican II documents contain heresy and they approved the heresy by signing it. 23. How do we know that the cardinals and bishops who signed any one of the Vatican II documents are excommunicated and lost their offices? A. We know that the cardinals and bishops who signed any one of the Vatican II documents are excommunicated and lost their offices because heretics are automatically excommunicated with no need of a warning or declaration, and they automatically lose their offices. (Canon 188.4) 24. Are these excommunicated bishops still valid and legal bishops? A. Bishops excommunicated for heresy or schism, are still valid bishops, but they are not legal bishops. They are valid because bishops are always bishops, but they are illegal because they are not Catholic. I dissent on this statement. A priest is still a priest or a bishop is still a bishop, a pope is still the pope if they are heretics or apostates is contrary to the infallible teaching of the Church in that Christ has no part with devils and non-catholics. They lose all jurisdiction, power and authority. Some are vitandi or tolerati. A vitandi absolutely cannot under any circumstance perform valid or licit actions of the Church, but only in the case of near death such as an immediate baptism, confession or extreme unction. These three sacraments deal directly with the soul that will be lost if not given. Extreme unction is not mandatory for salvation if validly ordained Catholic priests cannot be found. Therefore no other action is necessary other than a perfect act of contrition before the still conscious soul is able to reason some. Correct this if you have the canon law of 1917 or another pre-Vatican II papal explanation on this. 25. What do you mean when you say a bishop is illegal? A. An illegal bishop does not have any authority or jurisdiction from the Catholic Church. 26. After the Second Vatican Council was Bishop Thuc and Bishop Marcel Lefebvre Catholic Bishops? A. No. Bishop Thuc and Bishop Lefebvre were certainly non-Catholic bishops after the Second Vatican Council because they signed the Vatican II documents, which made them illegal (non-Catholic) bishops who lost any offices they may of had. Thuc could have repented but there is no facts to support he did repent of signing any of the documents. It would then make all his consecrations and ordinations invalid. Archbishop Lefebvre with his full knowledge also never was a valid priest or a valid bishop since the high level freemason who ordained and consecrated him was unable to do what the church does. A freemason no matter what can never have the intention even if they have form and use proper matter in this case olive oil. Lienart also by his actions at Vatican II shows how much of a modernist and anti-christ he was. 27. Are the bishops and priests valid that were consecrated or ordained by the non-Catholic Bishops Thuc or Lefebvre? A. Yes. The bishops and priests that were consecrated or ordained by the non-Catholic Bishops Thuc or Lefebvre are valid unless there is explicit proof that they were not consecrated or ordained with the proper form, matter, or intention. The issue on Lefebvre has already been established as null and void. Numerous popes have condemned freemasons by their very act of being members of an organization that plots to destroy the Church. 28. Did Bishop Thuc and Bishop Marcel Lefebvre ever repent and abjure from their heresy? A. There is no public record of Bishop Thuc and Bishop Lefebvre of ever repenting and abjuring of their heresies and schisms. 29. Does that mean that Bishop Lefebvre's Society of Saint Pius X is also illegal? A. Yes. The Society of Saint Pius X is illegal because it is heretical and schismatic, just as was Bishop Lefebvre. 30. What does schismatic mean? A. Schism is a sin against charity (the unity of the Church). A Catholic becomes a schismatic when he does not obey the pope or his local Catholic bishop when obedience is due to them, or refuses to have religious communion with the members who are subject to the Pope (Canon 1325.2), or if he denies the papacy altogether as did the Greek Schismatics. It is also a sin of schism to offer public Masses, and consecrate and ordain bishops and priests against the will of the pope. 31. How does the Catholic Church punish a schismatic? A. The Church excommunicates schismatics placing them outside the Catholic Church, and thus they are no longer Catholic. A Catholic bishop who becomes a schismatic would also lose his office. 32. Being that John Paul II is a non-Catholic antipope how could the Society of St. Pius X be schismatic for disobeying a man who is not the pope? A. The Society of St. Pius X is in schism, even though John Paul II is not the pope, because they believe he is and was the pope. While believing he is the pope they disobey him where obedience would be due, and have totally separated from him and his local bishops, and have consecrated and ordained bishops and priests against the will of a man they believe to be the pope. 33. Are there any excuses for the bishops of Society of Saint Pius X? A. There are no excuses for the bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X. They are guilty of heresy, because it was their duty to study the Vatican II documents and detect the heresy. They are also guilty of schism for getting consecrated as bishops against the will of a man, John Paul II, whom they believe to be the pope. They are also in schism because they are not in communion with those whom they believe are Catholics who attend the New “Mass.” In extraordinary situations that would have granted under ecclesiastical law or epikeia, the 1988 consecrations would have been valid if Lefebvre had been validly consecrated as a bishop and did not hold the positions of non-sedevacantism or other manifest heresies such as his belief that there was salvation outside the Church. All four bishops of the SSPX are not bishops at all and have no authority or jurisdiction to ordain or consecrate. They are excommunicated by their own heresies and schismatic positions. 34. Are there any excuses for the Society of Saint Pius X priests and laymen? A. In these latter days of the Great Apostasy there are no excuses for the Society of Saint Pius X priests and laymen, because the crimes of heresy and schism of the Conciliar Church and of the Society of St. Pius X are manifest to all. 35. Are there any excuses for the bishops and priests that were illegally consecrated and ordained by Bishop Thuc? A. No. There are no excuses for the bishops and priests who were illegally consecrated or ordained by Bishop Thuc. They were all bound to inquire as to what the faith and status of Bishop Thuc was before they used him to become bishops and priests. 36. If public heretics or schismatics think or say they are Catholic does that mean they are Catholic? A. No. All public heretics or schismatics are non-Catholics; even if they think they are Catholics or say they are Catholics, they are still non-Catholics. Our Lord warns us to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. (Mt. 7:15) 37. How does a heretic or schismatic who repents of his sins come back into the Catholic Church? A. A heretic or schismatic who repents must first make a public abjuration from his sins of heresy or schism, which brings him into the Catholic Church, and then he must go to confession to have his sins forgiven. (Canon 731) I agree confession for these grave sins is necessary, but a public abjuration I don't think is necessary unless the flock that these so called bishops lead and teach are scandalized which seems to be the case with the notorious positions the SSPX takes. 38. Could Cardinal Siri have been the pope after the 1958 conclave? A. No. Cardinal Siri could not have been pope after the 1958 conclave because he served the four apostate antipopes and signed the heretical Vatican II documents. 39. Can a Catholic be exempted from certain Church laws (disciplinary laws) that do not deal with faith or morals in certain emergency situations? A. Yes. A Catholic can be exempted from certain Church laws (disciplinary laws) that do not deal with faith or morals in certain emergency situations. 40. What is a legitimate exemption from the Church Law known as? A. A legitimate exemption from Church Law is known as the principle of equity (Epikeia). 41. What would constitute an emergency situation that would allow a subject to be exempted from certain Church Laws that do not deal with faith or morals? A. An emergency situation, that would allow a subject to be exempted from certain Church Laws that do not deal with faith or morals, would exist when it is very difficult or there is no access to proper Church authorities and it is either impossible or an undue hardship to keep the law, and the salvation of souls or the common good is threatened. (Canon 18) (St. Thomas, Sum. Theol., I-II, q. 96, a. 6, ad 3.) 42. When there is no access to a Catholic bishop can an exemption from the law apply to a Catholic priest to hear confessions and preach sermons without authorization from a bishop? A. Yes. When there is no access to a Catholic bishop a Catholic priest can hear confessions and preach sermons without the authorization from a Catholic bishop in an emergency situation. 43. When there is no access to a Catholic bishop, can an exemption from the law allow a Catholic priest to accept abjurations from non-Catholic penitents? A. Yes. When there is no access to a Catholic bishop, an exemption from the law is allowed for a Catholic priest to accept abjurations from non-Catholic penitents in an emergency situation. 44. When there is no access to a Catholic bishop or Catholic priest, can an exemption from the law allow a Catholic layman to accept abjurations from non-Catholic penitents? A. Yes. When there is no access to a Catholic bishop or Catholic priest, an exemption from the law is allowed for a Catholic layman to accept abjurations from non-Catholic penitents in an emergency situation. I completely dissent on this. No laymen even a strong Roman Catholic who follows the dogma and original magisterium with precision has the authority to do an abjuration of anyone. Only a valid pope, bishop or a validly ordained priest who are legitimate in their jurisdiction and priestly faculties can do an abjuration, confession or apply valid Tridentine Rite sacraments. Baptism is the only sacrament that can be given by anyone if they intend to do as the Church does. Therefore only Christ can intervene and act on these souls. 45. When there is no access to a Catholic superior for authorization, can an exemption from the law apply for the public teaching of the Catholic faith by a Catholic priest or Catholic layman? A. Yes. A Catholic priest or Catholic layman can publicly teach the Catholic faith without authorization from a superior in an emergency situation, when no superior is available. I would apply that principle if one has the knowledge of the Catholic Church, faith, canon law in which they are utilizing the known authorities in previous councils, bulls, or the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a work of spiritual mercy to teach, warn and bring to light the truth of the Roman Catholic faith in which all must believe if they wish to be saved. That is a command from Christ to all of us. 46. When there is no access to a pope can a Catholic bishop consecrate bishops without an explicit papal mandate? A. Yes. When there is no access to a pope a Catholic bishop can consecrate bishops in an emergency situation. 47. Can a Catholic bishop who has no office ordain priests? A. In an emergency situation a Catholic bishop who has no office can ordain priests. Some Heresies of Vatican II Church (Conciliar Church) and its Apostate Antipopes 48. Do men have the right from God to sin, to worship false gods, and to practice false religions? A. No. Men do not have the right from God to sin, to worship false gods, and to practice false religions, but they do have the freewill to do so. (Syllabus of Errors, #15, Pope Pius IX, 1864) 49. Does the State have the right to be separated from the Catholic Church? A. No. The State does not have the right to be separated from the Catholic Church. (Syllabus of Errors, Pope Pius IX, #55, 1864: Vehementer Nos, par. 3, Pope St. Pius X, 1906) 50. Are Catholics allowed to pray in communion with non-Catholics? A. No. Catholics are forbidden to pray in communion with non-Catholics. (Canon 1258) (Mortalium Animos, Pope Pius XI, 1928) 51. Are Catholics allowed to attend the Masses of public heretics or schismatics? A. No. Catholics are not allowed to attend the Masses of public heretics or schismatics because they are non-Catholics and the Mass is a public prayer and Catholics are forbidden to pray in communion with non-Catholics. (Canon 1258) 52. Can a non-Catholic pray with Catholics? A. A non-Catholic can privately pray with a Catholic provided the non-Catholic is in submission to the Catholic and the Catholic leads the prayers with the explicitly mentioned intention of converting the non-Catholic. I disagree. A member of the Church can never pray with an unbeliever even with the intention of submission and conversion to the Church. If catuchumens are not yet members of the church that is unbaptized so also the non-catholic must be viewed as outside the unity of the Church. Once they are baptized sacramentally then they may pray with the fellow believer. I never said disrespect the unbaptized but to be faithful to Christ and explain with charity why you are not able to pray with the catuchumen. 53. Is the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church the only true Church? A. Yes. The Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is the only true Church. (Syllabus of Errors, #21, Pope Pius IX, 1864) 54. Is the Catholic Religion (Catholicism) the only true religion? A. Yes. The Catholic Religion (Catholicism) is only true religion. 55. Do Protestants and Schismatics worship the true God because they believe that Jesus Christ is God and believe in the Most Holy Trinity? A. No. Protestants and Schismatics worship a false-christ and a false-trinity, because they do not believe in the same Christ as Catholics. (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-II, 10,3) 56. Do pagans, Moslems, and unbelieving Jews worship the true God? A. No. Pagans, Moslems, and unbelieving Jews do not worship the true God. Only Catholics worship the true God. There is no other God but the God of the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. All non-Catholics worship the Devil. (Ps. 95:5; 1 Cor. 10:20) 57. Are Protestants and Schismatics partially joined to the Catholic Church? A. No. Protestants and Schismatics are not joined to the Catholic Church in any way. They are outside the Catholic Church like severed limbs from a tree. (Satis Cognitum, Pope Leo XIII) (Cantate Domino, Pope Eugene IV, 1441) 58. Are baptized Protestants and Schismatics still subject to the Catholic Church's Laws? A. Yes. Baptized Protestants and Schismatics are subject to the Catholic Church's Laws, even though they are not joined to the Catholic Church. 59. Is there salvation or remission of sins outside the Catholic Church? A. No. There is no salvation or remission of sins outside the Catholic Church. (Unam Sanctum, Pope Boniface VIII, 1302; Cantate Domino, Pope Eugene IV, 1441) 60. Can men be saved by an implicit faith in Jesus Christ while worshipping false gods and practicing false religions? A. No. There is no such thing under the New Covenant as an implicit faith in Jesus Christ. Men cannot be saved while worshipping false gods and practicing false religions. In order to have a hope to be saved, all men must have an explicit faith in the Incarnation and the Most Holy Trinity and must enter the Catholic Church. (Athanasian Creed) 61. Do all men need to be baptized by water to be justified and be in the way of salvation, or can also an explicit desire to be baptized under certain conditions and blood martyrdom also justify a man and put him in the way of salvation? A. Both opinions are allowed until a future pope infallibly settles this dispute. The Church is consistent in its magisterium and in the Council of Chalcedon and other councils, such as Florence, Trent and a number of bulls and encyclicals. Baptism of desire or baptism of blood are not dogmatic nor are they to be presumed. Trent condemns the presumption of the salvation of the unbaptized. The Church has never taught this despite the many opinions of saints, doctors of the church or theologians. Only the Pope has the authority to pronounce ex cathedra this. Not cardinals or bishops. Regarding the shedding of blood of the unbaptized who through no fault of their own may be probable, but then such martyrs for the true faith in the name of Christ are extremely rare and there is doubt they can be saved. I would then hope Christ would extend mercy to such a soul who willingly lost their life for Christ if they had the intention to be baptized but that does not suffice as for anyone but a true Pope to decide. Now take that baptism of desire and stick it where the sun don't shine. Pack it with invincible ignorance also and put it in the garbage dump where it belongs. If they died without baptism by water they were bad willed. 62. Are women to be submissive and obedient to their husbands? A. Yes. Women are to be submissive and obedient to their husbands in all things but sin. (Eph. 5:22) 63. Is homosexuality a mortal sin? A. Yes. Homosexuality is a mortal sin, either in thought or by deed. (Lev. 18:22, Rom. 1:27) 64. Did God create homosexuals? A. No. God did not create homosexuals. God is not the author of sin. 65. Is Natural Family Planning a sin? A. Yes. Natural Family Planning is a sin. It is a form of contraception. (Tobias 8:9; 6:22,17) (Casti Cannubii, #53, 54, Pope XI, 1930) 66. Are Catholic parents allowed to educate their children in non-Catholic schools? A. No. Catholic parents are not allowed to educate their children in non-Catholic schools. (Canon 1374 and Canon 2319.1(2)) (On Christian Education, Pope Pius XI, 1929) 67. Did men come from apes? A. No. Men did not come from apes. Adam was created from the slime (dirt) of the earth, and Eve was created from the rib of Adam. (Gen. 2:7, 21-22) 68. Does an animal evolve into a different animal? A. No. An animal does not evolve into a different animal. (Gen. 1:21) 69. Is Hell a real place of real eternal punishment? A. Hell is a real place of real eternal punishment for all those who die as non-Catholics and Catholics who die in unrepented mortal sin. (Mk. 9:21-47; Apoc. 21: 8; 2 Thess. 1:8-9; Jude 1:7; Mt. 25:41) 70. Do most people go to Hell? A. Yes. Most people go to Hell and only few are saved. (Mt. 7:13-14; Mt. 20:16) 71. How do you sanctify the Lord's Day when a Catholic priest is not available? A. You must keep the Lord's Day holy and sanctify it by prayers, especially the Holy Rosary, and reading the epistle and gospel for the day followed by a commentary or a sermon. You must also examine your conscience, make an act of perfect contrition, followed by a spiritual communion and thanksgiving. We recommend you add some other prayers, such as the Litany of Saints. You cannot do any servile work and should do some spiritual reading.
I concur on this since we no longer have the Mass and valid sacraments, since I
believe as a punishment for man's sins God will allow even the elect to be without valid priests
and without the valid Mass. All the priests of the traditional movement are not validly ordained
in that they were ordained or consecrated by excommunicated bishops or those who claim to be
bishops. They are not. If that is not the case these clergy are all heretics for one reason or another.
Look at their publications and if for instance they believe there is salvation outside the church or
if one does not need baptism for salvation they are like a pile of dung to Christ who cannot operate
in them for denying Christ. I would tell such clergy to repent of these heresies. You cannot attend
these Masses at all. I would tell you what is essential is to pray your Missal that is from pre-1960 and
follow the pre-1955 calendar. If you wish to pray the Rosary go ahead but you may not put it before the
Mass readings, prayers and sermons.
Get this form or copy
it and fill it out to get information on abortion providers and medical
practice in Pennsylvania, Cross-reference
all sources for all abortionists. Feel free to take what I have and find out
more where they live, go to religious services, etc. Some abortionists have
retired, no longer practice ob/gyn-abortion, some moved out, some have died., you can
switch states and counties for numerous doctors. American Board of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, ACOG.Com, public records,
hidden records. Use the Official ABMS Directory 2005 and Dorland's Medical
Directory. An example to do research is looking at dockets online before you
have to do a physical search and flick through books or documents at
Prothonotary offices. Courts.Phila.Gov
and City Hall, Room 296. Trace through relatives, associates, friends, other
tracking methods. Check with allies of pro-aborts, go undercover, check out
enemy sites and their territories. Verify age, some of them have the same name
but different ages. I recommend if you are patient unlike me to use US Record
Search who I would use again but because I am short on funds or some places
could take longer. It took a month for a Jersey plate search. If you are as
most an average pro-life person you will have problems knowing who the real
murderers are and I am helping you as much as I can. I do recommend using
other sources some of which you must pay for if you want to find out who
some killers are. In the order most important to me is the five county region
of the Phila. Archdiocese, then Camden, Burlington and Gloucester Counties.
I then go by what is the most important counties first, so after them is
Atlantic, Mercer, Salem County. I then am interested in Berks, Lehigh
Counties, and New Castle County in Delaware. After that is Cape May,
Cumberland County in NJ. Lastly Northampton and Lancaster Counties in PA.
SearchItPlus.Com and
SnoopDetective.Com, P.O. Box 902,
North Lauderdale, FL 33062, 954-578-3325 is a source that offers professional
help in obtaining facts on people.,, Phila. College of
Osteopathic Medicine,,,, search NJ
Use to focus in on a street
or close by where they live or work based on a phone number or other key
search. Some sites lists abortionists names though they advertise as doctors.
They give specialty, affiliation, sometimes mugshots. Univ. of PA as some
other universities and health networks are in satellites in regional
locations,,,, Use Intelius.Com a search firm for a reasonable fee to track down addresses, licenses, other records on abortionists that you may not be able to get or at least so easily or cheaply. Contact State Board of Medical Examiners, Trenton Trust Bldg., 140 East Front Street, Trenton, NJ 08625, 609-826-7100. There are about 160 links on this page for your research and other necessities if you want to be active in this part of the pro-life field. I show similar links but each has a purpose. You will get used to them as you use them. Be careful on many of these websites that you use a credit card or have the money taken out of your checking for the information. Some may be scams, test all sources out and see if they are legitimate or if they follow through on what they promise and if - what time frame. License plates on Pennsylvania, Jersey especially be on your guard on some of these outfits. Look at voter registration records. Other public or private records should be checked. Say you endorse a candidate or are involved in a campaign. Will need to sign a privacy act form. Do not lie getting caught is unsworn falsification if you are signing a form. You can use a search firm which is not that expensive if you are unable to get address or phone. Money can be wired or send a check. Private I's get it quick, cost more to use them. Find pro-life private eyes. Utility checks for all those who pay a local phone bill, electric, sometimes long distance. Email searches, name searches, phone and address searches, property, registrations, licenses, marriage records, Coles directory put out by Experian these are criss cross directories write 901 W. Bond St., Lincoln, NE 68521-9989, 1-800-438-6093. Databases accessible on net. There are over 300 search engines or directories for the Internet. Deductive search such as a condo by looking at Coles etc. See the suites unlisted as possible like Liveright, use search engines from the top twenty or web directories. Do advanced searches. Civil and criminal record checks, social security, paper trails, date of birth, always get middle initials or name. Licenses, marriage, deeds, articles, many databases on web should be checked. Check dept. of transportation, motor vehicles records if they are still public. Don't just get a license plate, but a VIN for states like Pennsylvania if possible. Try to get a full name of the abortionist now in Pennsylvania or any state and get a middle initial if able. If you have a license plate PA they may give you the information with the DL 135 form. Put in an address you think it may be even if it's not right. Penndot may send you the information. Use a basic search and get it notorized. It's $5 pay Penndot for this. If you cannot get it from them use a search firm or a P.I. who should only charge you a flat fee for a search and not a contract for a background check or extensive work. It's getting harder and more expensive to obtain addresses and other information on people especially those who murder babies for a living. Directories, yellow pages, check hospital websites for lists. Pretend to be a market researcher to get information over phone. Block your number don't dial 800, 888 or 877 type numbers from your phone they show up identifying person and number even with a block on. There may be errors in public records, not just internet or all sources. Even middle initials can waste time. Some hide under a friends or wife's name on deeds. Unlisted number is an indicator. Check all leads out, verify older or inaccurate questionable information. Use electronic equipment, including the GPS (Global Positioning System) if you can afford it. Find a library that has residential reference USA, not just business records. I specify home addresses and often more than one of the offices and hospitals where a butcher can be found. I do specify if I know where a butcher is presently murdering at a death camp. In the future I hope to have time to specify home addresses for those I was able to find under rocks. Some abortionists are using a family practice and not ob/gyn or gynecology. Some are orthopedic surgeons. Even pediatricians can be the enemy. Anyone Anywho, Who's Who, Medical Licenses, Dept. Of Health, Superior and PA Supreme Court case numbers on web or legal searches can be searched. All databases are not 100 percent accurate, not even the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) that even PI's have no access to unless they know somebody. PCIC for example is the Penn. Crime Information Center. If you have a social security number and the name of the mother such as a maiden name that helps and is easy to get. Sometimes it is a quick way to find someone if you have a social security number so if they are hiding they will surface. Case numbers are civil in Montgomery County from the Prothonotary records. Purchase consumer records for certain ages, gender, professions, regions. All case numbers on this are Montgomery County civil unless noted. Older cases in archives Markley Street in Norristown. Some old cases pending are still in courthouse for notes of testimony. Various dockets don't indicate abortion related lawsuits. All hospitals have many case numbers for civil actions newer filings 2000 up have more weight. Call anonymous to verify, knock on door of butcher to see if they work or live there. Take a picture of them while your there, post it in websites, books, articles. Verify all if related and leave no stone unturned. If you can follow abortionists in their vehicle or on foot, taxi then do it. Don't get too close if you are tailing them and use a rent vehicle with a different license plate on it. Purchase mailing, marketing lists for residential. I have taken out those who are no longer in the region, no longer do abortions or if I have no proof or suspect they are still murdering. Some use fake names, some are married or using a maiden name. Some wear sunglasses and things to cover their faces so they don't end up on walls of post offices, papers, websites... They may sometimes park their vehicle in places so you don't know their license plate. Some wear vests, some carry weapons. If you have to use something to get the necessary information that is name and address of the abortionist hurry in the glove compartment to get their vehicle registration or other personal information. Wear gloves so you don't leave anything behind including blood. What I say in my sites is a way of letting you know if America Pro-life does not start doing more effective things the murder of babies continues. It's always easy for others who are alive to say pro-life does not have a right to take the law into its own hands since they are not the ones being murdered by abortionists. I'm not here to justify those who take the moral and natural law to stop the abortionist but offer it as an option if they choose to. I do explain this on other pages. Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, Delaware Counties, Philadelphia, Camden, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Lancaster, New Castle, Burlington, Gloucester, Mercer, Atlantic, Salem, Cumberland-NJ, Cape May Counties are where I want to know where abortions take place, if an abortionist lives or works in these counties. I cover an 18 county area for certain hospitals, offices, death camps. Many abortionists kill in numerous hospitals and offices in these counties. Brigham operates his company and leases or purchases real estate under several different names, names that would give a landlord or seller no reason to suspect their intended use.
Corporate names reportedly used thus far by Brigham include THE PEACEFUL
notify any real estate professionals or landlords to be aware of this
information. American Women's Services trying to open at Absecon-NJ
1-800-735-8270, Reading 1-800-791-4666, Bristol, Center City at S. 260 Broad
Street, Lancaster, Hamilton Township in Trenton area, Millville-NJ,
Wilmington, Newark or lower Delaware, scattered possibilities in PA.
Other abortionists may have moved, died, verify if it is someone else with
the same name. Names that are somewhat common are harder, Smith, Miller,
Jones, etc. Need to have other facts to narrow search. First name searches are
difficult requires private eyes sometimes. Fictitious or alias names exist.
First name initials S. Brigham for example male or female.
Brigham lists as Steven C. no Stephen C. and does not live in
Penns. or Delaware. Some of these search firms are unreliable or slow.
Please be careful what you say to private investigators when you seek to get
a license plate or address search for the abortionist. Treat them like you
would someone who is pro-abort or a cop. Find agencies that are non-caring
about your intent or sympathetic. They are being replaced with some but it's
hard to determine who is killing other than well knowns from the last decade.
There can be as many as 600 more or less in the metropolitan region if not
more in surrounding counties that extends into South Jersey, upper Delaware
and Pennsylvania like the Allentown, Reading, Easton and Lancaster areas.
Some travel to kill. In some cases there are abortionists that have a name
that others in the region have. It has to be investigated, researched to
find out who the actual person is so nobody is mistakenly identified as
an abortionist. Such as John Carpenter where there are multiple addresses
and one is correct. Search various phone directories, databases, other
directories, medical and physician directories. To the best of my belief
I stand by what I show and what I list as to who is an abortionist. You will
see how most abortionists are: Proud, devilish, greedy, unfeeling, selfish,
worldly, self satisfied, vicious and a hundred other choice words none of
which are good. I assure you they are not losing sleep over the babies they
murder. Don't lose sleep when things happen to them. Seek and you shall find
all you have to do is ask. He has given me authority to expose these murderers
and uncover them from where they dwell which I have and I shall continue, it
is our duty to make their lives hell as much as we can. PROCESS FOR REGISTRATION WITH THE PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO PROVIDE ABORTIONS Department, upon request sends initial package that includes: Department notifies contact person to determine applicant's readiness and to arrange for an on-site survey. Department schedules and conducts an on-site survey. If deficiencies are found, an acceptable plan of correction is required within ten days. Department corresponds with applicant. If no deficiencies exist, or upon assurance of correction of deficiencies, the following is sent to the applicant: "Abortion Facility Registration Form," a supply of booklets "Abortion Making a Decision," and "Director of Services." Department will forward to the applicant all necessary instructions and reporting forms including "Quarterly Facilities Report." When the registration form is deemed complete, the Department issues letter to applicant acknowledging receipt of "Abortion Facility Registration Form." The applicant may begin performing this service. Pennsylvania Department of Health, P.O. Box 90, Harrisburg, PA 17108, 717-783-1380 Administration: Health Planning and Assessment: Office of the Secretary Office of the Physician General: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Quality Assurance. This is the
form you should refer to when making inquiries to Harrisburg on abortion
facilities including hospitals and finding out who the performers of the
deadly acts are. It won't hurt to mention the Freedom Of Information
Act in your letter or fax.
Here are some hospitals that harbor fugitives from justice or may be
providing birth control. There are many hospitals, health centers that are doing abortions or other evil that cannot be proven., Frank, Search Specialist, $19.95 Toll-Free: 1-877-282-1702. Dun and Bradstreet have directories and also sell lists and information. I tell anyone writing please don't say to the Dept. Of Health you are planning to protest or do other things when requesting information. Tell them you want it for merely informing others that they should not go to any doctor or facility that promotes or facilitates abortion or birth control for the public awareness and well being of concerned citizens and to protect women from the effects of abortion providers. Don't call them abortionists in your letters despite the truth. Refer them as physicians and providers. Use the words health care for women for licensed physicians must be released for public safety. Women and people have a right to know who they are. You can view source code or use the arrow to see what I called these jpg or gif images. I correspond a murderer of babies with their photos so they can be fair game for anyone out there. Much of the time some of us don't need to hire a private eye or a search service for people, addresses, phones, that includes unlisted numbers. Internet and many sources give you information privately. You can purchase lists also from various sources. I would have anyone hire pi's to do video and photo surveillance of abortionists so they can be put on websites, sent to big pro-life organizations and published like the FBI does. I hope many in the future will start protesting outside these private offices and residences of abortionists. Alumni searches, yearbooks, articles, physician directories and other written sources are helpful. Legal documents, articles, pro-life news can be used. A number of services and websites that provide information are not always free. Corporate and business directories, chambers of commerce and business firms can be used. I advise what to do about abortionists in high rise towers, protests on public sidewalks where they live with their pictures and where they live or kill inside. Mailing to other residents is good if you can afford it. Show pictures of the murderer of the babies, where they practice, kill, attend religious services etc. Sometimes you are using a partial name such as a middle name or confirmation name if they are Catholic. Such as Martha instead of Louise which could lead down a wrong path. A middle name can be actually a maiden name. In hospital directories and practices you will not see the "A" word. Look for gynecological surgery or general and adult gynecology. These are possible indicators of the abortionist and prescriber. Reproductive surgery is a giveaway. Think like them, an unwanted baby is a problem and a disease and must be eliminated in their minds. You must check addresses to keep updated, many are offices and former offices and hospitals not just residential. Use a pair of binoculars and telephoto lens at death camps and protests so you get close ups of cars, faces and license plates. In 2001 based on Linda Hahn's statement President of PP Bucks County 79 hospitals in PA were registered for performing abortions 17 clinics and 14 private physician's offices. I have a different set of numbers based on the Philadelphia metropolitan region. It would be higher regarding clinics and private offices cannot be determined since there are so many and illegal abortions are taking place in the practices. I have some listed here from seeing their interests in fertility and reproductive medicine. That is what some known abortionists are documented as. Investigate Them, when it comes down to it, for now we need dirt on them so we can smear it on their bloody faces to match their hands. Reunite.Com, and Free Surname Search.Com, check geneology databases if necessary and drop in on those you hunt for. |
ABSECON SAINT ELIZABETH ANN SETON, 591 New Jersey Avenue, Absecon, 08201-2424, 609-641-1480 SAINT ANDREW KIM, KOREAN CATHOLIC MISSION, c/o 25 West Verona Avenue, Pleasantville, NJ 08232, 609-641-0285 ATCO ASSUMPTION, 2131 Cooper Road, Atco, 08004, 318 Carl Hasselhan Drive, Atco, 08004-1997, 858-767-0719 ATLANTIC CITY HOLY SPIRIT, requests for Ecclesiastical documents should be referred to St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church, 609-344-1040. OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA, 2651 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, 08401-6489, 609-345-1878 SAINT MICHAEL, 10 N. Mississippi Avenue, Atlantic City, 08401-4097, 609-344-8536 SAINT MONICA, 108 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Atlantic City, 08401-4714, 609-345-1786 SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE, 1409 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, 08401-8092, 609-344-1040 AUDUBON HOLY MATERNITY, 431 W. Nicholson Road, Audubon, 08106-1997, 856-547-0444 AVALON MARIS STELLA, 5012 Dune Drive, Avalon, 08202-1333, 609-967-3746 SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES, Gloucester Pike and Wilmont Avenue, 199 Wilmont Avenue, Barrington, 08007-1238, 856-547-2313 BELLMAWR ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, 601 W. Browning Road, Bellmawr, 08031-1840, 856-931-6307 MARY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH, 20 Braisington Avenue, Bellmawr, 08031-1204, 858-931-0204 BERLIN MATER ECCLESIAE, 261 Cross Keys Road, Berlin, NJ 08009, 856-753-3408 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL,
178 W. White Horse Pike, Berlin, 08009-2023, 856-767-2563
701 Little Gloucester Road, Blackwood, 08012-3311, 856-228-4331, 856-228-3171
402 S. Black Horse Pike, Blackwood, 08012-2806, 856-227-0572, 856-227-0822
CHURCHES St. Lucy, Blue Anchor
Sacred Heart, Cedar Brook, 250 S. Route 73, Blue Anchor, 08037-2317,
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, 312 Pearl Street North, Bridgeton, 08302-1595,
SAINT TERESA OF AVILA, 46 Central Avenue
Bridgeton, 08302-2305, 856-455-2323
SAINT THOMAS, 331 8th Street South, Brigantine, 08203-2391, 609-266-2123
SAINT MAURICE, 401 Community Road, Brooklwan, 08030-2747,
Our Lady of Victories Church, Landisville CAMDEN
642 Market Street, Camden, 08102-1183, 856-964-1580
SAINT JOSEPH PRO-CATHEDRAL, 2907 Federal Street, Camden, 08105-2229,
ROMERO CENTER 856-964-9777,
SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA, 2814 River Road, Camden, 08105-4427, 856-963-5884
SAINT BARTHOLOMEW, 751 Kaighns Avenue, Camden, 08103-2499,
HOLY NAME, 522 State Street, Camden, 08102-1919, 856-963-1621
3107 Alabama Road, Camden, 08104-3198, 856-962-8642
SAINT JOSEPH, 1010 Liberty Street, Camden, 08104-1146,
Camden, 08103-2099, 856-541-7618
SACRED HEART, 1739 Ferry Avenue, Camden, 08104-1398,
525 Washington Street, Cape May, 08204-1427, 609-884-5311
East Mechanic Street and Garden State Parkway,
106 Mechanic Street, PO Box 324, Cape May, 08210-0324, 609-465-5245
SAINT AGNES MISSION, a mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Cape May.
CORPUS CHRISTI, 369 Georgetown Road, Carneys Point, 08069-2598, 856-299-3833
367 Main Street, PO Box 327, Cedarville, 08311-9709, 856-447-3480
HOLY ROSARY, 99 Burnt Mill Road, Cherry Hill, 08003-3901, 856-428-9456
QUEEN OF HEAVEN, 700 Marlton Pike West, Cherry Hill, 08002-3576, 856-429-3334
2001 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill, 08003-1602, 856-424-1454
PETER CELESTINE, 402 Kings Highway North, Cherry Hill, 08034-1091, 856-667-2440
344 Kresson Road, Cherry Hill, 08034-3396, 856-429-1330
THOMAS MORE, 1439 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill, 08003-2733,
CATHERINE OF SIENA, 49 W. North Street, Clayton, 08312-1114,
OUR LADY OF THE LAKES, 19 Malaga Road, Collings Lakes, 08094-2465, 609-561-8313
SAINT JOHN, 8329 Park Avenue,
Collingswood, 08108-3147, 856-858-0298
see West Collingswood
SAINT VERONICA, 8329 Holman Avenue, Delair, 08110-3317, 856-662-8050
2901 Good Intent Road, Deptford, 08096-4457, 856-227-2623
SAINT BERNARD MISSION, mission of Saint Vincent de Paul, Mays Landing.
EAST VINELAND, See Vineland.
SAINT NICHOLAS, 525 St. Louis Avenue, Egg Harbor, 08215-2224,
6075 West Jersey Avenue, Egg Harbor Township NJ 08234, 609-645-7313
115 Broad Street, Elmer, 08318-2203, 856-358-3106
NATIVITY, North Delsea Drive, PO Box 296,
Franklinville, 08322-0296, 856-694-2349
Kresson Road, 120 United States Avenue, Gibbsboro, 08026-1127, 856-784-3878
313 Memorial Avenue, Gibbstown, 08027-1317, 856-423-0007
500 Green Tree Road, Glassboro, 08028-1427, 856-881-0909
SAINT BRIDGET, 125 Church Street, Glassboro, 08028-2517,
426 Monmouth Street, Gloucester, 08030-1722, 856-456-0052
SAINT ELIZABETH MISSION, a mission of Saint Casimir, Woodbine.
GRENLOCH, see Washington Township.
200 Windsor Avenue, Haddonfield, 08033-1499, 856-429-1600
SAINT ROSE OF LIMA, Kings Highway at Fourth Avenue, 300 Kings Highway,
Haddon Heights, 08035-1397, 856-547-0564
Haddon Township, 08033-3099, 856-858-1313
Hammonton, 08037-5087, 609-561-3313
SAINT JOSEPH, 220 Third Street, 226 French Street,
Hammonton, 08037-1726, 609-561-0180
SAINT MARTIN DE PORRES, 129 Park Avenue, Hammonton, 08037-1444,
(See Buena Borough)
OUR LADY OF THE LAKES MISSION (A mission of St. Michael, Cedarville)
White Horse Pike and South Avenue, 100 South Avenue, Lindenwold, 08021-1696,
856-627-2222, 856-627-7522
OUR LADY OF SORROWS, Wabash and Poplar Avenues, 200 Wilson Avenue,
Linwood, 08221-1833, 609-927-1154
EPIPHANY, 2801 Ventnor Avenue, Longport, 08403-1201, 609-822-8940
SAINT GREGORY, 340 Evesham Avenue East, Magnolia, 08049-1098,
Dutch Mill Road, PO Box M, Malaga, 08328-1796, 856-694-2576
234 Shadow Place, PO Box 295, Mantua, 08051-0295, 856-468-1314
BLESSED SACRAMENT, 11 N. Kenyon Avenue,
Margate, 08402-1593, 609-822-7105
200 W. Tuckahoe Road, PO Box 549, Marmora, 08223-0549, 609-390-0664
114 Route 50, Mays Landing, 08330-1707, 609-625-2124
43 W. Maple Avenue, Merchantville, 08109-5141, 856-663-1373
2 Hillcrest Avenue, Millville, 08332-4621, 856-825-1513
621 Dock Street, Millville, 08332-2939, 856-825-0021
St. Michael Church--see Buena Borough)
SACRED HEART, W. Kings Highway, 11 N. Black Horse Pike, Mount Ephraim, 08059-1395,
17 Earlington Avenue, Mullica Hill, 08062-9418, 856-478-2294
SAINT ROSE OF LIMA, 104 Catawba Avenue, Newfield, 08344-9512,
680 Town Bank Road, North Cape May, 08204-4413, 609-884-1656
1421 New Road, Northfield, 08225-1103, 609-646-3499, 609-646-5611
SAINT ALOYSIUS, 37 W. Haddon Avenue, Oaklyn, 08107-1429,
OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL, 3948 Central Avenue,
Ocean City, 08226-1799, 609-399-2085
SAINT AUGUSTINE, 13th Street and Wesley Avenue, 1310 Ocean Avenue,
Ocean City, 08226-3295, 609-399-0648
114 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, 08226-4224, 609-399-4776
SAINT JOHN, 647 Beacon Avenue, Paulsboro, 08066-1210, 856-423-0086
4824 Camden Avenue, Pennsauken, 08110-1921, 856-662-2721
6306 Browning Road, Pennsauken, 08109-1549, 856-662-9338
SAINT JAMES, Beach Avenue, 114 State Street, Penns Grove, 08069-1921, 856-299-0399
QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES, 391 South Broadway, Pennsville, 08070-2606, 856-678-5400
SAINT EDWARD, 500 Erial Road, Pine Hill, 08021-6392, 856-783-2670
OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE, 161 Pitman Avenue,
Pitman, 08071-1575, 856-589-5673
SAINT PETER, 25 W. Verona Avenue, Pleasantville, 08232-2639,
SAINT ANDREW KIM MISSION, 21 West Verona Avenue,
Pleasantville, 08232, 609-641-7208
ASSUMPTION, 276 W. White Horse Pike, PO Box 517, Pomona, 08240-0517
609-965-4021, 609-965-1399
A mission of Saint Michael, Cedarville.
A mission of Saint Padre Pio, Vineland.
Morton Avenue, PO Box 376, Rosenhayn, 08352-0376, 856-451-8763
321 Orchard Avenue, Runnemede, 08078-1357, 856-933-0037,
SAINT TERESA, 13 E. Evesham Road, Runnemede, 08078-1700, 856-939-1681
SAINT MARY, 25 Oak Street, Salem, 08079-1418, 856-935-0288
SAINT JOSEPH, 4308 Landis Avenue, Sea Isle City, 08243-1829, 609-263-8696
SICKLERVILLE, see also Washington Township.
SAINT JOHN NEUMANN, 234 Sicklerville Road, PO Box G,
Sicklerville, 08081-0438, 856-728-1060
OUR LADY OF GRACE, 35 N. White Horse Pike, Somerdale, 08083-1796,
SAINT JOSEPH, 606 Shore Road, Somers Point, 08244-2424, 609-927-3568
SAINT PAUL, 9910 Third Avenue, Stone Harbor, 08247-1807,
SAINT LUKE, 55 Warwick Road, Stratford, 08084-1732, 856-783-5555
SAINT JOSEPH, 140 Broad Street, Swedesboro, 08085-1199, 856-467-0037,
TURNERSVILLE, see Washington Township.
SAINT JAMES, 6407 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor, 08406-2699, 609-822-2176
SAINT RAYMOND, Bayshore and Ocean Avenue, 25 E. Hudson Avenue, Villas, 08251-2625,
IMMACULADA CORAZON DE MARIA, office 410 S. 8th Street,
Vineland, 08360, 856-692-8992
SACRED HEART, 1010 E. Landis Avenue, Vineland, 08360-4096,
SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 23 W. Chestnut Avenue, Vineland, 08360-5303, 856-691-9181
SAINT ISIDORE, 1655 Magnolia Road, Vineland, 08360-6536, 856-691-9077
SAINT PADRE PIO, 4680 Dante Avenue, Vineland, 08360-9802, 856-691-7526
Our Lady of Pompeii, Vineland
Saint Mary, Vineland
HOLY FAMILY, 226 Hurffville Road,
Sewell, 08080, 856-228-1616
CHARLES BORROMEO, 176 Stage Coach Road, Sicklerville, 08081-9421,
SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, Ganttown Road, PO Box 1022,
Turnersville, 08012-0842, 856-589-3366
436 Pennington Avenue, Waterford, 08089-8308,
TRANSFIGURATION, 445 White Horse Pike,
West Collingswood, 08107-1996, 856-854-0364
SAINT MATTHEW, 4th Street and Monument Avenue, 307 Wesley Avenue, P.O. Box 38,
West Deptford, 08063-1012, 856-845-2523
HOLY SAVIOUR, 50 Emerald Avenue, Westmont, 08108-2398, 856-854-0022,
213 Woodbine Avenue, Westville, 08093-1037, 856-456-4136
1219 Delsea Drive, Westville Grove, 08093-9632, 856-848-6779
SAINT ANN, Atlantic Avenue between Glenwood and Magnolia,
2900 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood, 08260-4943, 609-522-2709
Wildwood Crest, 08260-3826, 609-522-4114
32 Carrol Avenue, Williamstown, 08094-1713, 856-629-6142
See Blue Anchor and Sicklerville.
304 Clay Street, PO Box 533, Woodbine, 08270, 609-861-3771
64 Cooper Street, Woodbury, 08096-4618, 856-845-0123
Third Street and Beech Avenue, 334 Beech Avenue, Woodbury Heights, 08097-1317,
IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, 201 Cooper Street, Woodlynne, 08107-2198, 856-962-8610
SAINT JOSEPH, 51 Broad Street,
Woodstown, 08098-1310, 856-769-0004 |