Michael and Peter Dimond are heretics for denying the dogma that Catholics are forbidden to knowingly pray in communion with notorious heretics:
III Council of Constantinople, 680-681: “If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the synagogue of the Jews or the meetinghouses of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be deposed and deprived of communion. If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be suspended from communion.”
The Dimonds knowingly attend Mass at “meetinghouses (churches) of the heretics” and thus knowingly pray in communion with notorious heretics. They attend Mass at an Eastern Rite church that is under the apostate antipope of the Vatican II Church. They admit that the priests and most of the people in the church where they attend Mass (and in other churches where they tell their followers they can attend Mass) are notorious heretics:
Peter Dimond: “The sad reality of this situation—which Antipope John Paul II and his cohorts have created—means that those who accept him, follow him, or defend him, while disregarding the facts presented in this magazine and the other available evidence which exposes him as an Antipope (and even the Antichrist himself), will lose their souls and be tortured in Hell for all eternity.”[1] …“The priest where we go to Mass knows what we believe, and the people who go there have had the information made available to them.”[2]
By Peter’s own admission, then, these priests and laymen at the church where he attends Mass have no excuse for invincible ignorance because Peter presented them with the evidence of the heresies and the dogmas that condemn the heresies. Therefore, those who had not believed the truth are notorious heretics, as Peter admits elsewhere:
“Peter Dimond, 1/25/02: ‘Catholics may only attend Mass at Catholic churches. We have never taught or believed anything else. The churches that we say that Catholics can attend Mass at and receive the sacraments from (e.g., the SSPX, CMRI, SSPV, Eastern Rite churches, independent priests, etc.) are Catholic churches, even though the priests and certainly a number of the people who go there are heretics.’”[3]
Therefore, by Peter’s own admission, he knowingly prays in communion with notorious heretics and tells others they can do the same. But he illogically and heretically refers to these churches as Catholic churches in spite of the fact that, as he admits, the priests and many of the people in these churches are notorious heretics. One wonders what Peter thinks it takes to make a Catholic church a non-Catholic church. Yet, in another hypocritical twist, Peter implies that these churches are not Catholic churches, but are indeed meetinghouses of the heretics because he teaches that no one can give these churches financial support without committing mortal sin:
Peter Dimond:
“This is why we have taken pains to strenuously point out to those who
attend the Masses of the SSPV (or the C.M.R.I., Society of St. Pius X,
Byzantine churches, and almost all independent ‘traditional’ priests, etc. who
believe the same way) that they cannot give them any financial support under
pain of mortal sin, for this would actually constitute a denial of the
faith by donating to a heretical organization.”[4]
Peter’s teaching, that financial support must not be given to these churches or to any of the churches under the apostate antipope of the Vatican II Church, can only be true if these churches are not Catholic churches because it is a mortal sin for Catholics not to financially support their local Catholic churches. Indeed, the Catholic Church decrees that Catholics are forbidden to give financial support to heretical churches, to non-Catholic churches:
A Practical Commentary, on Canon 1258, vol. I, p. 65: “It has been declared that a Catholic may not contribute money towards the building of an heretical church, or give his work gratis.”
By teaching that one cannot financially support these churches, Peter implies that they are heretical, non-Catholic churches. Elsewhere Peter explicitly admits this:
Peter Dimond: “God allowed the Catholic
Buildings, Seminaries and Schools to be taken away and
confiscated by a counterfeit non-Catholic sect (the Vatican II/Novus Ordo
sect), with apostate priests…” [5]
By Peter’s own admission, and speaking out of one side of his mouth, he teaches that these churches where he and others attend Mass are indeed heretical, non-Catholic churches, and thus the meetinghouses of heretics.[6] He also admits that the priests and most of the people in these churches are heretics. Yet, speaking out of the other side of his mouth, Peter says that he does not go into the meetinghouses of the heretics to pray in communion with them:[7]
“Peter Dimond, 12/29/01: ‘Let it be known, however, that we don’t pray in common with heretics. I don’t join my prayer with any heretics, nor do I recommend anyone to do so, but only true Catholics. … I repeat that I don't pray or sing psalms with heretics. …Moreover, as I said before, I don't go into the meeting houses of heretics, nor do I recommend anyone to.’”[8]
The Dimonds are also heretics because they implicitly deny the Catholic faith by evading their obligation to properly profess the Catholic faith to those with whom they pray in communion:
1917 Code of Canon Law: “1325.1 Obligation to Profess the Faith - The faithful are bound to profess their faith openly whenever under the circumstances silence, evasion, or their manner of acting would otherwise implicitly amount to a denial of the faith, or would involve contempt of religion, an offense to God, or scandal to their neighbor.”
They also mortally sin against the Catholic faith by other sins of omission for not performing the spiritual acts of mercy of admonishing and converting sinners:
Penny Catechism: “322. Which are the seven Spiritual Works of Mercy? The seven Spiritual Works of Mercy are: 1. To convert the sinner; 2. To instruct the ignorant; 3. To counsel the doubtful…”
If Peter fulfilled the obligation to profess the Catholic faith and perform the spiritual acts of mercy of admonishing and converting sinners, he would be thrown out of the church where he attends Mass. According to Peter, he only mailed his literature to the priests and some of the laymen with whom he prays in communion. Instead of personally denouncing them, he remains silent, week after week, while praying in communion with them. Therefore he and his brother Michael share in the sins of the heretics that they do not personally denounce and with whom they pray in communion:[9]
Penny Catechism: “329. In how many ways may we either cause or share the guilt of another’s sin? We may either cause or share the guilt of another’s sin in nine ways: ...6. By concealment; 7. By being a partner in the sin; 8. By silence…”
The Dimonds are heretics for deliberately omitting to teach the Church law that fallen-away Catholics must take a specific abjuration to enter the Catholic Church:
Delict of Heresy: “Absolution from Heresy: …Delinquent Catholics would be held
to make a more specific abjuration of the particular error which was involved
in their delict. The essential necessity is that the delinquent abjure his
particular error...”[10] (See Quick Reference Manual:
Fallen-away Catholic must specifically abjure.)
As a result of ignoring this dogma, the Dimonds have no way of knowing who is or is not Catholic. Hence, they are culpable for being in communion with every heretic they refer to as Catholic whose heresies could have been easily discovered by demanding proof of abjuration or a position paper.
As a result of ignoring this dogma, there is no record that the Dimonds abjured from their past, public, heretical errors, which is a sin of pride. They have a mortally sinful habit of not admitting when they are wrong. They secretly change their heretical beliefs and hope that no one notices. For instance, Michael was an ardent follower of the false seer Veronica Lukin of Bayside, New York; he supported the heretic Fr. James Wathen in his obstinate denial of the papal deposition teachings and his heresy of “once a Catholic, always a Catholic”; and he obstinately denied the papal deposition teachings after I (and others) had repeatedly presented them to him. After believing John Paul II to be an apostate antipope, he allowed a false prophet named Ed, who denies the Salvation Dogma, to enter his home and fill his head with blasphemous, heretical teachings which imply that the Catholic Church is a beast. By using the non-Catholic, ecumenical Anchor Bible commentary to try and prove that two real popes, Benedict XV and Pius XI, were heads of the beast, he thus implied that the Catholic Church is also a beast.[11] When he finally realized that he was wrong in all of these heretical matters, he secretly changed his positions without admitting that he was wrong and without publicly abjuring from his errors. However, even if the Dimonds do abjure from their past heretical errors, this would not be sufficient because they would also have to abjure from their current heretical errors.
The Dimonds also deny the Salvation Dogma. See my article The Dimond Brothers Deny the Salvation Dogma. And they erroneously teach that the opinion of baptism of desire and blood for catechumens is heresy. See my book The Baptism Controversy: Is Baptism of Desire and Blood, Heresy? See my books Against the Dimonds and Supplement to Against the Dimonds.
[1] Peter Dimond, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness: Issue #5, p. 65.
[2] RJMI book, Against the Apostate Dimond Brothers [hereafter ADB]: Obligation to profess the faith.
[3] Ibid., What makes a church Catholic?
[4] Holy Family Monastery, The Heretical Society of Pius V.
[5] Peter Dimond, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation: Did Fr. Feeney predict the loss of the pope?
[6] See: ADB: Spiritual support OK but not financial.
[7] Ibid., Meetinghouses of heretics.
[9] Ibid., Obligation to profess the faith, and Second charge: sins of omission for not professing the faith.
[10] Rev. Eric F. MacKenzie, Imprimatur: +William Cardinal O’Connell, Archbishop of Boston, Boston, June 3, 1932, Chap. 8, pp. 108, 114.
[11] See my book Against the Dimond Supplement.